Monday, November 30, 2009

The Right Words Wedding Cards For Daughter

comment is Swiss vote regarding minarets

If we're at it, Christianity is not the original religion of Europe, they remember, since Asterix is not "Lord Jesus Maria crucifix!" Instead? "When Toutatis!" said the Hindus are closer to the roots of our Western world as hyperventilierende bullfinches as Meisner. with Buddhists, Hindus and Shintoists I have absolutely no Problems whose temple I find a true asset to our cities, but with Islam, I have very big problems because it is not just pure religion. The whole smacks too much of hostile conquest and violence and I would not just get. Islam will prevail and in the Koran be fought as long it take for the whole world to Islam has subjugated. In general, reads the Koran as a collection of threats in book form.

Christianization brought wars, bloody confrontation and violent repression of the original culture with them, until the Enlightenment ended for the time being the constant theocratic oppression. I see no reason that we should go through with Islam again. How to protect our cultural assets and not allow them to create this off. I think it expresses the notion of defensive democracy. I find the Swiss have made a good choice . Islam is not just about all that is democracy and the majority of citizens greater, as also help the long faces offended Islamists and their hyperactive-gooders Kolaborateure nothing and that's a good thing.

The Egyptian Copts are not the way immigrant Christians but converted the natives of Egypt, the almost entirely replaced by Arabs and now were living on the edge of garbage dumps and harassed by the former arrivals, despised and beaten. Many deserved until recently, their meager income as a rancher, recently, the Islamic authority differential these poor "unclean" animals decided to be buried alive and the people who lived them to ruin. I think that's not very nice and take the liberty to be so intolerant, such conditions here do not want.

[ via ]

The minaret is not a place of religious activity, but to serve the muezzin call to prayer, and traditional as a watchtower. Both in Switzerland is probably unnecessary. If the third function as a potent symbol of Islam (as they used the church towers). Therefore, and this is what the dispute over the minaret.

And another thing that determines may write many:
That would be in D yet been clearly rejected. 'm In a place with more than 20% Muslim proportion grown, the claim that Islam is a religion of peace, takes me back to the bitter--laugh.

have unfortunately many people are afraid to say your opinion, or are lucky enough to live in a non-Muslim neighbors. I write with no intention of "Christian-dominated" as an agnostic because I do not every religion for me.

also interesting the following survey . Critics will claim that this is fake, but this is absurd.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Do Herpes Appear In The Pubic Hair Region

SwissVPN slow # 2 - experiences and opinions

general I am satisfied with SwissVPN , a connection is always possible.

Unfortunately, I have even at standard sites like or very long wait for a full load of a normal html page, a long time or refresh five times previously (eg

video streams on YouTube very limp, Wind Chill 2000s DSL speed I guess, although I have 6000 (which is about 750kb/sek ideally). Especially with HD video is often a test of patience.

Actually, I want to stay with SwissVPN for a fast and reliable alternative, I would pay more than 5 EUR / $ a month!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Average Cost Of Daycare In Miami, Fl

OMFG, Techno Chicken - Internet wins again.

Aaaahahahaha I can not. WTF so much in a day, glorious.

My new ring tone and / or alarm for mobile phones has been found!
's right, a dancing chicken on hot Techno Remix.

And then Italian, everything you need to know:

Good Barrel For The Invert Mini

pattern Wish liberation

pattern Wish exemption: (according to the Official Journal)

==================== The following clearly identified life

Name: Kant________________
first name ; : Claus_______________
birth: ??.??. 19??
birth: unbekannt___________
ID Number: vermutlich__________

is hereby established for the period of

[_] 6 months
[_] 12 months
[_] 24 months
[x] permanent

them free, to remember something that important changes in behavior when interacting with the thinking Nature show. The classification of the above person after the official index for shopping exemptions is the equivalent of

[_] in a cafeteria food from the previous day
[x] three hard biscuits in instant coffee
[_] a box of black bread, canned
[_] a square piece peat moss during a six-week summer drought
[_] a container eroded sandstone (grit grade)

The outspoken wish exemption shall expire upon the expiration of the

[_] __.__.19__
[_] __.__.20__
[x] complete erosion of the physical components of the above life

and apply if the above by the following line of life to identify as noticeable is exempt:

[x] is a red plastic nose
[x] olives piece of cloth with a white border on the shoulder to take
[_] the way of life is through facial expressions doubt as unlimited to detect appreciable free.

The above form of life is the acquisition of this data exemption certificate automatically qualified for the following activities:

[x] marker cones at Abmarkierungsarbeiten on motorways
[_] coat rack and umbrella stand in restaurants up to, but not including, 3 stars
[_ ] control rod in heavy water reactors
[_] flag rod for driving water in the Wadden Sea National Park
[_] landscape feature / guide in the Gobi Desert

The information exemption for the above mentioned form of life was expressed in a public wish exemption procedures, and after the appeal period of 17 seconds of law.

date of signature stamp

12/13/2009 * * scribble * * pommftz

front print of the Liberated wish

* BONK *

Male Stripping For Female

MP3 and WAV - a comparison


approach of the technical trial:

invite You to CoolEdit to create a beautiful rectangular wave and save them as wav Basic.

Make certain to reopen the Basic we find that the Electoral back looks exactly like the ones we have created (oh wonderful)

Now we the monkeys - compress the basic (> APE). We then decode the same again in ape.wav.

=> Oh wonder Kurf is again identical. FileCompare also shows that basic ape and wav's absolutely Byteidentisch are.

Now we come to MP3, compress again, either upload directly run in CoolEdit or convert back to wav before leave.

=> The rectangular shape is strongly deformed, has the original really only barely anything in common.


For the high-end music lovers MP3 is useless, however, MP3 is on the move interesting, because the sound sowiso not interested (you must be able to accommodate just as many titles in a small space, bass-heavy investment in the cart , you will primarily go yes and do not enjoy music or proletieren with booming bass, music archives for parties etc, there are the people anyway so drunk that the next day not knowing, whether Mozart or Eminem has gone).

Chukchansi Directions

life and smoking pot in Amsterdam

The picture of the Simpsons intro has caused great enthusiasm among the visitors (Lol), so some information to Amsterdam coffeeshops.

  • Recommended Coffee Shops:
    • Barney's Place or Grey Area (Vaporizator can borrow!)
    • The Blue's Brothers
    • Bluebird
    • Mellow Yellow
    • Dampkring
    • Green Place
    • (try Amnesia Haze!) hunter's bar
    • Pink Floyd
    • Grasshopper (smoke Northern Lights!)
    • The Green House
  • grass varieties:
    • Hawaiian Snow
    • ATTENTION , names are often Schall & Rauch, the main thing is not to buy on the street

Other Coffee Shops in Germany near

route to Richterich, 52072 Aachen on a larger map

Replace Toner Samsung Ccf 4521f

Dr. Otto's "Wellness Clinic" [Simpsons screenshot]

Unfortunately, with the Simpsons in the last season the Gag-density appreciably over, but I recently discovered something funny:


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vet Costoperation To Remove Sists closes and sells data


Whoever thought that the - data breach had been the biggest impact has probably never heard of the website heard. There, users can earn by simply logging, logging in and answering questions virtual money. This can redeem against various prizes, such as a 300 € - voucher, a laptop or other high-value items. But the operators have very different intentions than was previously suspected. That was the former market researcher, that the company attempted after the domain has been known worldwide to sell them to big companies. Far from it - because the operators are in a very annd this magnitude. After all, who wants to have a price, there must specify all their personal data, including street, name, age, city and even phone number. But not enough logs the website apparently even IP addresses, and places them together with the data onto a huge database.
who was a fan of the site so far, probably never had the opportunity to redeem a prize. Because the shop is deserted for weeks. "Sold out" works with almost any valuable articles only wallpapers and comparable worthless exists.
But since this morning the site is already in the excavation phase. Earned virtual money is worthless become. The website has written in her blog that the domain will be sold in less than a week to download the UseNext portal. What happens with the data of over 3 million users, do not betray.
The leadership of the Internet giant Google the other hand, took the floor. For example, the Google crawler a set of sample accounts have found only a few minutes after registering with various advertisers and newsletters. Market Research estimate the value of the data on over 16 million U.S. dollars. In particular, the existence of telephone numbers, residential real data and personal interests that queried by so-called "Dailies" interest, the advertising companies.
who now wonders why the police ask nothing against the misuse of data is in the thought process has completely wrong. To market the data may well have the website and the FBI, which is responsible for managing the global Discovery Data Bank, reached an agreement. Thus, the IP addresses of the users along with their address have already been transferred. Now, if a user clicks on an x-any other web site are alleged suspects, so it can easily be determined within seconds. Internet crime can be advanced to the bar for years. Even pirates need to take heed now, should get its IP related to illegal activity is suspected, because the Federal Criminal Police Office has unrestricted access to the database.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

What Format Can Sonic Dvd Player Play

The "terrorist threat" and your interesting consequences

The terrorist threat is exaggerated. Pretty much everything else is more deadly, more likely and more dangerous. All the recent "foiled" terrorist attacks "in Germany are ambiguous, exaggerated and extremely doubtful. There, more people die choking on (ingestion), fall down, look at the sun, the ice cream, as acts of terrorism. It is politics. More power, more control. Therefore, I am against the extension of any monitoring.

One of many examples, such as monitoring systems are used: A woman goes into the bank, has previously in dog shit kicked and now has to pay for cleaning the bank. Determined using the account information and the surveillance cameras that are used for robbery, theft and extreme vandalism. ( )

Where there are databases, with desired data, there is abuse. Not only this, but in any case.

Sportscraft Basketball Problems

Ulrich Beck writes boring Comments

recently in the Cologne Stadt-Anzeiger: "The illegal citizens of the world" - a guest post by Ulrich Beck.

I'd like to know more about the fate of the people "sans papier" experienced (without papers / cards), the lengthy run by Ulrich Beck, however, are much too boring and partly out of thin air. Illegal system should be necessary? Capitalism has created the bird Arbeistmarkt freedom?

will continue to use too many foreign words. Ulrich Beck should use a simpler language style.

In that article referred to the children, the elderly and the sick, the "left" allegedly was, and therefore poverty. This is a logical consequence if I, as a breadwinner in a foreign country (no secure future) Issuance. I will not say "your fault", but the risk is and should be aware of the refugees.

Globalization makes the world does not automatically become a "common world". Different centuries, the rich countries seen by the industrially and socially backward states.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Best Kind Of Seaweed For Diabetics

Wisdom of the day

Smart girls know that a slim silhouette evokes male protective instincts. A stranded whale on the other hand you want a man just redeem only by a finishing shot.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wrapping Paper Storagestands Up

Matthias Klimkait

first world tour, then
anesthesia training, possibly diploma. Congratulations!