If we're at it, Christianity is not the original religion of Europe, they remember, since Asterix is not "Lord Jesus Maria crucifix!" Instead? "When Toutatis!" said the Hindus are closer to the roots of our Western world as hyperventilierende bullfinches as Meisner. with Buddhists, Hindus and Shintoists I have absolutely no Problems whose temple I find a true asset to our cities, but with Islam, I have very big problems because it is not just pure religion. The whole smacks too much of hostile conquest and violence and I would not just get. Islam will prevail and in the Koran be fought as long it take for the whole world to Islam has subjugated. In general, reads the Koran as a collection of threats in book form.
Christianization brought wars, bloody confrontation and violent repression of the original culture with them, until the Enlightenment ended for the time being the constant theocratic oppression. I see no reason that we should go through with Islam again. How to protect our cultural assets and not allow them to create this off. I think it expresses the notion of defensive democracy. I find the Swiss have made a good choice . Islam is not just about all that is democracy and the majority of citizens greater, as also help the long faces offended Islamists and their hyperactive-gooders Kolaborateure nothing and that's a good thing.
The Egyptian Copts are not the way immigrant Christians but converted the natives of Egypt, the almost entirely replaced by Arabs and now were living on the edge of garbage dumps and harassed by the former arrivals, despised and beaten. Many deserved until recently, their meager income as a rancher, recently, the Islamic authority differential these poor "unclean" animals decided to be buried alive and the people who lived them to ruin. I think that's not very nice and take the liberty to be so intolerant, such conditions here do not want.
[ via ]
The minaret is not a place of religious activity, but to serve the muezzin call to prayer, and traditional as a watchtower. Both in Switzerland is probably unnecessary. If the third function as a potent symbol of Islam (as they used the church towers). Therefore, and this is what the dispute over the minaret.
And another thing that determines may write many:
That would be in D yet been clearly rejected. 'm In a place with more than 20% Muslim proportion grown, the claim that Islam is a religion of peace, takes me back to the bitter--laugh.
have unfortunately many people are afraid to say your opinion, or are lucky enough to live in a non-Muslim neighbors. I write with no intention of "Christian-dominated" as an agnostic because I do not every religion for me.
also interesting the following survey . Critics will claim that this is fake, but this is absurd.
[ via welt.de ]