"From the heart's desire a reality!"
"The most underrated power and might of our own thoughts! "
" My feelings reflect what I think innermost of myself and what I believe in my heart, I also radiate to the outside, what I radiate outward, I prefer it too, and I get the, what I believe in the innermost of myself and not what I really want. I am moving more towards of the target and reach the, with I am in my innermost on most mentally intense and busy grappling! "
a topic that many people moved - often interpreted, with even more valuable advice provided and supported - and yet many questions remain: How do I successfully meet me my very own heart's desire? How to do it really right and what I do here incorrectly? Do I need to refresh several times a day and affirm my desire or is it sufficient if I only once fleetingly think of? Stick to it or let go for good? What is the right and above all successful path from the heart's desire a reality?
not the almost obsessive embossed and obsessive brackets and retention of a heart's desire, daily innumerable and completely absurd affirmations, how much is often described in the relevant literature and recommended, suggests that this is actually implemented and fulfilled, but only the unique intensive visualization and then the final release (= rest; Balance and serenity found in the "be there and to make it happen!").
is basically to every heart's desire and the balance, so the counterweight in the form of including the consideration and most of all acceptance, that the desire is not fulfilled, perhaps because we do not fully stand behind our expressed wish, it is not the timing is appropriate, or be our own wishful thinking and the actual realizable possibilities too far apart and therefore unrealistic.
is often underestimated in this case the mental power, dynamism, energy and power of our own thoughts - what we in our Innermost thinking and of which we are convinced that we also attract on the outside, everything is very important and crucial in this case the shape of the articulation of what we really want - the definition of our heart's desire. To this end, one must know that formed the formulation and visualization of the desire on a purely emotional mental level and with the ratio, and thus has a purely top-heavy and rational, absolutely nothing in common - we want a heart's desire, as the name suggests it provides very clear , with heart and soul, never rational.
Now it is very important to note the following:
is completed a one-voiced heart's desire on the emotional heart and soul level with the idea or the words "(my request), but .....", such as:" (my request), but if I do not get this wish fulfilled , then ......", changes needed to comply strictly necessary and positive energy and force, were on the emotional soul side, finally formulated by a "but" (from the rational and contrary opposite segment) in the absolute negative . In order to achieve even a balanced compensation (compared positive to negative) toward neutrality, we need the nearly seven-fold on mental strength and energy - this is a superhuman mental effort the same and represents a nearly impossible task.
order to successfully formulate a wish, the heart's desire must not follow a negative statement or rational thinking, such as "(my request) and if I get this wish is not fulfilled, then this would mean ....", in reverse that, in consequence, turns the first positive emotional energy in the negative rational field and thus the heart's desire thus precludes. Even one prior consideration with regard to possibly arising from the fulfillment of the desire of possible Consequences or reactions of third parties (this fictitious resulting jealousy, envy, fear, dominance, manipulation) to take the intent and actual performance of the entire potential positive energy and power, considerations of cause and effect (Qui bono principle = what I have from the fulfillment?) due to the realization, or fulfillment of a desire to have in connection with the formulation lost absolutely nothing.
It is absolutely necessary to stand behind the heart's desire, once formulated, with complete conviction to hold on to him and defend him; considerations regarding reactions, consequences, and this adversity may have no room, as this would amount to a restriction or denial of what we do we really so much alike. It is therefore, in principle, just to avoid contravention of note:
- each and every letter of intent and / or any request is based on the emotional soul level;
- any consideration in connection to this Memorandum of Understanding with "but ... "and / or" if ... then ... "begins, moves on the level of reason and is contrary to the expressed heartfelt wish, or in relation to negative and picks it up accordingly.
But the acceptance that the desire is not fulfilled any, maintain positive energy and strength and contributes to the fact that this actually becomes a reality.
I always advise to the following:
Do you have a wish or want to formulate a letter of intent is basically the first step to consider - and as accurate, detailed and accurate as possible - like your heart's desire in reality should look like. As a next step, visualize a desire as intense as it should be implemented effectively and has created the magnificent and reassurance in this very intense feeling that they had this wish fulfilled already received and had arrived at the destination. This intense feeling of the heart's desire had been fulfilled completely, let go, because it reinforces the positive energies towards the effective implementation and realization.
into felt then as a counterbalance, as it feels would meet, that so-longed-for heart's desire never - allow even very intense here, the resulting feeling of sadness, lack and loss - and accept that you do not receive perhaps what you so much wishes. Absolutely should be avoided in any consideration of a possible direction Depending upon the fulfillment of desire is, "My life is over if I do not ... "Without exception, every negation, any limitation, any denial of the connection or direct context with the request formulated with active help to ensure that your wish will definitely not meet.
adopt the end of the desired heart's desire finally put in any more energy and go completely into the trust in terms of actual performance. The desire was once put intense and visualized, this alone is completely out to get him to have actually become reality.
If the heart's desire however, repeatedly reaffirms, in this context with recurrent affirmations expressed to the wish of almost clinging obsessively and incessantly in my mind busy, and once again brought consideration for the fictitious resulting consequences of any non-compliance, take chances that he actually met, so contradictory and paradoxical this may sound too drastic, and vehemently. As a consequence, in consequence, turns the first very positive energy - "find fulfillment in the serenity" - can be very negative toward obsession and obsession - to be "It to ". The first positive energy is thus not amplified but is weakening due to our own mental, but now extremely negative force and energy, extreme - a no longer a dominant process with a tremendous amount of momentum.
The result is not the actual performance of the heart's desire, but rather the result of dieting resulting deficiency, the resulting despair and the weakening of one's own confidence in the so-longed-for fulfillment. We hear, therefore, on immediately to our request and feel its performance and to trust that he actually realized is rather limited and thus pull the impending loss, respectively, a purely notional non-compliance, but less and less a possible fulfillment of our heart's desire into account.
The risk of self here in the-fulfilling prophecy, the self-fulfilling prophecy of slipping, this is an extremely high and completely unmanageable risk dar. This requires that we ourselves always and unceasingly to comment because of the lack of composure (the desire visualize it and then finally in reliance upon the fulfillment of it (go) to confirm) Allowing our heart's desire will never be realized and we do not get what we so ardently do, we confirm ourselves again and again the non-compliance with the result that our heart's desire will not be met then actually. The self-fulfilling prophecy receives so much momentum, power and energy that it is virtually irreversible, that is irreversible and we see ourselves inexorably confirmed that our heart's desire is not actually meet with very high probability.
Once again shortly summarized:
The following details should be avoided in any case consistently in the formulation of your heart's desire!
- The self-fulfilling prophecy, the self-fulfilling prophecy regarding
a possibly imminent, is purely fictional, non-fulfillment of the concerns expressed th wish;
- the rethinking of purely fictitious resulting therefrom negative conse- zen third parties should be fulfilled the wish actually, after the principle Ur cause and effect;
- any consideration with regard to personal consequences, should be not meet the heart's desire definitely;
- without exception, any rethinking of conditions to a meeting, or non-fulfillment of the desire is coupled;
- no brackets, respectively recurring renew and reaffirm
of the heart's desire, no standing in this context incessant
- and the best for last : They remain essential for your once- simulated heart's desire, you are consistently behind him and take him . Never change your original intent better, do not appropriate and correct for once not your desire.
The most important aspect to leave a wish actually come true, the absolute neutrality, the centering and focus only and exclusively at your request, without it, however mounted, conditions, considerations, consequences, expectations to combine and / or claims. The only thing important in this all-important moment, which may take up space and meaning, is your personal heart's desire. For this reason, and to avoid being distracted from the essential, you should basically in the formulation and visualization of your heart's desire to be alone - no distraction from the essential, no interference from outside, nothing you could wring from your request.
I advise generally on it, your heart's desire to discuss with other people and / or talk about it - it is your personal desire and you alone must decide whether to accept it and realize. Here you should give anyone a say, but go all alone in the ownership. Generally you should
formulate a wish not under time pressure and in haste, but very well thought out in peace, focused and concentrated. You can take you all the time in the world in order to first of all to think carefully about how you should look very own heart's desire exactly how you want to formulate it - you can get this, notes or paint but a picture that your heart's desire is already ready shows - for the actual formulation and visualization, for focusing and centering of energies, but you should Muse take time and, important here is also a pleasant atmosphere for you where you relax and feel great, especially suitable for your own personal heart's desire-in principle, the ceremonial evening hours, when the soul comes to rest.
Meets are now at last you so much awaited heart's desire, please remember never to say thank you - is the fulfillment of your heart's desire a great gift for you, take it please with caution, prudence and due humility and gratitude, and remember that nothing in life is to be understood!
"Do you expect absolutely nothing, but are You ready to get everything in gratitude, the chances immensely great to get all the things you want so desperately! "
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
practice" healing life energy "
source / image. http://www.pixelio, de (© Rike)
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