Thursday, August 26, 2010
Jcpenny Hair Color Prices
"STARBUCKS - our daily paper cup non-culture Give us this day! "
First, I must confess: I love coffee, and his incomparable fragrance of all - begins coffee in the morning and the day for me without a care for me, coffee is a piece of living culture - other people talk to their plants! I caress my coffee every morning and thank you for what's going on in the fragrant cup.
would for a fine cup of Kenya Blue Mountain I go wrong, if necessary, paragraphs and the smell of freshly brewed coffee takes me magical . to, as a perfume I celebrate my coffee hour - this is for me above all Rest and muse, beautiful porcelain, the finest cane sugar and fresh milk, the pleasure is for me absolutely in the foreground.
Now there is a long time in our town has a Starbucks, which seems now to enjoy immense popularity. Walking through the pedestrian zone in the city you can see the location of Starbucks rather than a sign or aromatic smell of coffee, but usually on mountains of paper cups, the associated plastic lids and Papphaltegriffen, spread across the road. Of the cityscape are now countless passers-by, more or less professional and hard on her Starbucks coffee to-go paper cup, or suck the associated Trinkschnuddel the cup lid.
one were comparatively a guest in an ordinary café be ordered drink in an ordinary beak cup without Starbucks logo, serve well, there should also be locations that serve their guests drinks original, in a chamber pot, would be the success of the premises with security permanently called into question - not so with the said-to-go coffee chain.
few weeks ago I came in, in retrospect inspect more than doubtful classifiable "pleasure" of being invited to a coffee at Starbucks. Standing in an endless queue of around 15 people, I tried with the known, who had invited me, written in English and translate on a plaque on the wall are available. Tall, Grande, Venti? Hazelnut, Peppermint or Raspberry plus Espresso Shot? How? Currant flavor or peppermint in the coffee? We really only wanted a coffee, freshly brewed coffee and perfectly ordinary, but please no After Eight in the liquid version!
know Now you have to first of all, at Starbucks, there is no one who accepts the appointment, just - no, the staff behind the counter "barista" as described! As a Barista you usually referred to a "coffee artists" that in view of the product Coffee has great knowledge of immense, that can cook after all the tricks too, then this decorated before serving, according to decorative (it is even in this area Barista World Championship) and the host served the perfect form. refer to the staff behind the counter of a Starbucks "barista" as would come in around near the settlement to bring an employee in the kitchen of a McDonald's branch with the Michelin award-winning five-star chef in context.
Although the English language quite powerful, we asked the barista if she could just inform us about the offer. In the broadest U.S. slang us was exactly what the contents placed near the wall located on the table - Conclusion: We were just as smart as before! At our request, we were all with raised eyebrow and the more meaningful as killer view you as a "dare you ignorant wretch it .... "Could be interpreted, then consecutive intelligible again explained in German and brought home. Our choice was a Tall Mocha Double Shot Espresso Whipped Cream Hazelnut to go "or better, of course" a little coffee with a double espresso, fresh cream and hazelnut syrup, and all contact with said Plastikschnuddel in a paper cup.
After our order with the barista had given up, they asked us for our first names - I knew by this time definitely not that the announcement of my first name is a prerequisite to order at Starbucks for a coffee can, but hey, that's American style. So please, all for "Gerd"! The Barista: "That takes, we call you"
We were by this time not known that we were entered into on the order made so deep a friendship and relationship with the barista, that here a confidential and friendly, "You "would be justified, especially since both I and my companion the braces-age have long since outgrown. My friend: "We will wait at the door, we wanted to anyway sit at a table outside!" The Barista: "Okay, Gerd, I give you will know!" Aaaaah yes!
sounded After about fifteen minutes of waiting time, an average primal scream from inside: "Geeerd, your coffee is ready for collection" Before us, the cups were presented with our coffees, us the barista then quoted again in the broadest U.S. slang in English in detail and detail of our order. So far so good!
After a nearly two-inflationary price for our coffee in plastic cups including plastic Trinkschnuddel had paid, we again took our seats outside at a table near one of the input. The first question my friend: "We'll get there even a straw to drink it or how the" Nix straw, that's what finally Trinkschnuddel in the cover! My comment: "We train so that the best ever to's retirement home when we were served some time there, the Caro-coffee in the feeding cup!"
Sitting like drinking from the Plastikschnuddel still be possible, which I, however, a remain an absolute mystery, is the answer to the question of how everything professionally even under time pressure when running, with one hand holding the phone to the ear and it still entertaining with his neighbor, pours in you! Well, we still practice, and finally this is our first visit to Starbucks.
A first sip from my "Tall Mocha Double Shot Espresso Whipped Cream Hazelnut to go" proved to be an absolute limit of my experience with hitherto unknown cultural flow. Me: "Tell me, are you sure that this really is dishwater coffee in it? This reminds me more of molten hazelnut ice cream or a milk shake with lots of sugar "My friend," This is a real Starbucks coffee! The drink in New York and even on Wall Street any "Aaaaha when he drinks there, everybody, it must indeed be either good well and I could not sensitive taste buds on the tongue or hold one maliciously, the New Yorker, or do not know Wall Streeter, what makes a really good aromatic coffee !
After drinking from the supposed feeding cup but somewhat more difficult, I decided to remove the lid and Trinkschnuddel. My first view of the cup confirmed my suspicion towards "dishwater" - as a light-nougat-colored soup spilled in my cup that smelled intense, near the Geruchsbeläsigungsgrenze, of hazelnut. I to my friend: "Duuu, Gerd tell me, have you eaten ever hazel nuts, which also smelled just nearly as intense of nuts and tasted? "Gerd" neee, not really, what do you mean, what's in there "I:" Everything just no coffee, we'd better not be thinking about it and to pour the stuff in our clean, so it's gone! But I operate as a late night basic research, "
During our coffee Pläuschchens we then observed another phenomenon, but that gave us pause for thought. Even if the barista always means primal scream waiting guests to pick up their coffee (even while writing that name in connection with what spilled over there in my cup, I taste the hazelnut flavor still on my tongue!) asked, was the snake in the store and especially in front, long and longer, and remembered the fatal Ausverkaufstag with bargain offers of a discount store. The difference was, however, that this is not exactly my cup in dishwater at a bargain price, but this requires close to the border prices above inflation and also of hard-core and diehard Starbucks disciples willing and happy to be paid.
What struck us during our visit to Starbucks and to think we were very, was a spontaneous metamorphosis taking place incoming visitors when they were below an imaginary line of about ten meters in front of Starbucks. To some paving stone, which had a particularly most striking color to the other stones, they behaved passers actually quite normal, crossed it, but to strive for this paving stone in the direction of Starbucks, at the entrance, an imaginary jolt went through her, she seemed visually by almost four inches to grow, walked upright, the body tension was obvious, resilient and challenging step up the pace quickened and the facial expression changed significantly with a certain air of arrogance towards the "We are who we are important because we are now popped to Starbucks and pay, and how the bankers in New York, a paper cup Starbucks coffee to-go with Plastikschnuddel "
Hardly sales in the entrance of the store, meet in principle one for all arriving guests initially concentrated silence to study only once with very good expression and a serious expression, posted the offer table. I assume that personally, the contents of the table on the occasion of previous multiple visits anyway since learned by heart! After several minutes, then one turns to possible companion to also submit them in broad U.S. slang, the offer and to explore what might select for the best.
is particularly significant this metamorphosis, when the company has entered also apparently the first time a Starbucks and do not knows what my companion and I was led to believe that we apparently still are not as dumb as the Barista We wanted to convey that. Regardless of whether the company may only speak German, the whole is then once prayed down completely in perfect American slang. Here, the Starbucks-professional guests take exactly the same facial expression, like the barista at our order, with the unspoken message, "You ignorant wretch, I can teach you an insider now the big time Starbucks world!" After the Order has been placed next to the slightly relaxes facial features, the tense posture.
If the barista with a primal scream but then signaled the collection of the waiting cup regular part starts two of the metamorphosis: Usually collected from the respective order, and does therefore Starbucks inside the cup - until entering the store is if they have anything OK, but then a jolt go through him, we are beginning again to grow, with a firm and forceful step the counter is scaled, with air of a connoisseur, the paper cups firmly in mind, are they then again from the barista in the U.S. slang the order down and then pray it is: The body voltage is maintained, just a tad bit of height gain weight, with a face as if you have just conquered enemy territory without compromise for a preemptive strike, cracked the cup from the counter, will be sought with springy step of the corresponding table and addressed certain of victory, his eyes fixed on the others present, the cup on same crazy. The announcement "Here, your coffee!" Sounds less like a promise, rather than a threat, what can be understood in this paper cups located in the dishwater well. Slowly, with a slightly condescending smile on my face winner will then be a free chair and fished it slowly settled, not without throwing an applause-thirsted look around, which says "It's me, a Starbucks and I got it, the Starbucks coffee-to-go!" Standing ovations at this point!
which is situated in the paper cups broth is drunk not easy, no, because you can see clearly now the Starbucks amateur, she is slowly repetitive questions, or rather statements, the round, how great the coffee but Starbucks was suckled, and celebrated. An absolute "no go" here seems obvious opening of the cup to be. Note: Will not be immediately recognized as Starbucks amateur and outed, not just open the cup, never, at any price, even under threat of torture!
After the cup is emptied, it is not moving around properly in a trash can, apparently also distinguishes the genuine Starbucks pro, but slammed together with the cover including cover, or Trinkschnuddel, under the table or with casual seeming gesture preferably left shoulder thrown behind him. remember so well observed: Do not you want to be outed as Starbucks amateur use only no trash or garbage can, simply ex and hopp under the table or casually over the shoulder with it, but please dispose of not properly, never, no matter what you for offering and / or promises! This probably explains why the tables front of the Starbucks are all invariably aligned in a row next to one another - an explanation regarding the "why and why not next to each other and arranged in groups?" may be unnecessary at this point so!
Okay, we admit, we were immediately exposed as Starbucks, Sex, and certainly not worthy to enter again the noble and sacred halls of the "coffee-to-go", let alone there ever again to place an order, we have the cover of the paper cup away, asked at a straw - which brought us the already known second killer view of the barista - and we have our garbage properly in a trash disposed of - is actually not so! We lacked even drinking the Starbucks usual enthusiasm regarding the products and according to self-PR to the website of the Starbucks chain, legendary Services (!!!) and we have no psychic, apparently touching the soul, metamorphosis experienced . Certainly this comes from the fact that we had at the beginning of the barista to ask what they could to order this way and we wanted the whole also explains in German - an absolute "no go", just amateurs!
Final absolute Starbucks Starbucks amateurs and not worthy, we were certainly considered, after I check with the barista job of our Order discreetly remarked, whether as perhaps occasionally brushing and cleaning Mülleinsammeln addition, the store thoroughly and maybe it also could wipe the floor located in the store counter and the tables outside. The response of the Barista depleted in number three killer view! What is a true Starbucks professional who sees no such thing and if he does, he enjoys and is silent!
However, we admit selfless, Gerd want neither, nor I are happy to illustrious and elite company of Starbucks professionals and insiders, as we prefer to this joint field study with a difference continues in Kenya Blue Mountain fine porcelain, rather than "Tall Mocha Double Shot Espresso Whipped Cream Hazelnut to go" in a paper cup with lid and Trinkschnuddel! We continue to run not drinking coffee through the pedestrian zone having not the stylish iPhone to your ear for us to talk to our neighbor, we dispose of our waste will continue where it belongs properly and live without the "Starbucks barbarism" and on the "Tall Mocha Double Shot Espresso Whipped Cream Hazelnut to go". Spare me personally, the fact remains that I am a Starbucks coffee again about three hours in the stomach and transverse to me at certain regular intervals recalled where I was and what I like flavored drink!
Even if we protest and subordinate to the Starbucks philosophy (very important people in New York drink the're all supposed to also, so it must be obvious really good!), One should perhaps in an unexpectedly clear moment to ask once quite clear why the Starbucks Hazelnut Syrup-intensive now actually a multiple tastes and smells, as a common hazelnut it ever did. I have taken the trouble to research this one closely and critically.
How could I find in my basic research are, without exception, all flavored syrups Starbucks the company from the house, "Since Vinci Gourmet ", also like the Starbucks Center, located in Seattle, USA. Even if the logos of the companies Starbucks and Da Vinci Gourmet is a certain similarity and which have both their headquarters in Seattle, USA, has to be a little rascal already, just to think of a direct relationship in terms of ownership. Very interesting is the fact that the company DaVinci Gourmet was founded in 1989 and exactly in the same year at Starbucks, founded in 1971, an extreme global expansion take place. I assume as common, that this was exactly the time to refine the existing Starbucks dishwater by Da Vinci Gourmet Syrup! So far so good!
The U.S. web site at Da Vinci Gourmet syrups are on the content of her absolutely nothing, here are obviously more calorie information required - so at this point more eyes and go! Extensive Internet research led me then to the German side of the company's Da Vinci Gourmet, or a distribution company for its products and here I was about the ingredients find. The all-important question: What is really an urgent addition to plenty of sugar and caramel coloring? Aaaah yes, the nasty E-numbers-directory! I will spare my readers
a laboratory analytical insight about what it all with a Starbucks-dishwater take plus syrup, no matter which flavor variation to be. Particularly striking, however, the sodium benzoate, a preservative, which is located in the flavored syrup. This is a benzoic acid, the artificial, or something that is genetically adapted to common usage, is produced in the chemical kitchen. The health concerns about the risks of use are so high that now critical with respect to a withdrawal of the approval of sodium benzoate as a preservative, or at least a severe restriction of the use being considered. The benzoic acid is so toxic that they necessarily according to the recommendation of allergies and asthma should be avoided, especially as they find allergies and asthma is still hives-inducing, too. Especially worth to think I feel the fact that sodium benzoate is so toxic that it must never be used in pet food, as even kills a share of five per thousand (!!!) a cat. What was the occasion of your last visit again ordered the Hazelnut share or Peppermint Syrup in your Starbucks coffee? Do not worry, you have it so appear to have survived and you certainly can not purr!
The intense hazelnut taste and scent on the track: Do not despise the very extensible content description with respect to the syrup: flavors! Not exactly declared, no information on the composition and exact nothing you do not know really! But it must according to law to artificial flavors that do not occur in the intensity in nature, but have the same taste and smell as natural and nature-identical models, act the same chemically but a natural flavor, however, were produced synthetically. So one can say that in principle everything is possible! Made these artificial and nature identical flavors such as ethyl vanillin in vanilla, but also with the help of vegetable and animal raw materials, bacteria, and sawdust. What was that again with the cat - this should already be sufficient remarkable 5 per thousand, order to adopt the cats in heaven forever!
remains open still the question of why taste and smell a Starbucks coffee with Hazelnut Syrup-hazelnut intense than any it could ever be? Spontaneously occurs to me this as a flavor enhancer or chemical glutamate, one of the glutamic acid, a non-essential amino acid in the brain has an excitatory effect, ie, excitatory, neurotransmitters. And often in used in the manufacture of highly flavored dishes, etc., preferably from the finished dish and Asia-range or even at convenience, thus semi-finished products and essential oils, sauces. Although glutamate in principle be declared, but may freely objectionable be used under the generic and collective term "flavor" when flavors are added, which themselves contain glutamate. The potential risks and side effects please consult with your doctor or pharmacist opportunity!
Another ingredient in the syrup is Splenda, also a creation of the U.S. House of McNeil Nutritionals. How? Never heard of it? Then it's time for you to learn the latest creation from the chemical cooking, finally you drink it so well every time in the syrup with your Starbucks dishwater.
So Splenda is a sweetener made in the USA, it contains sucralose, a chlorinated organic compound in wastewater treatment plants very difficult to break, but what the heck, we are finally no treatment - the chemical name is this: 1,6-dichloro-1 ,6-dideoxy-β-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy -α-D-galactopyranoside (does not sound appetizing, and you have to remember not necessarily!) -, dextrose, maltodextrin or lactose, leucine, and carboxymethylcellulose, above all things. The latter (... and now please do not pass, my Starbucks coffee to-go is finally stayed in there too, but it may explain why he, even after over three hours with me still has "spoken"!) Consists of cellulose, or pulp obtained from softwood or hardwood. The cellulose is ground, converted by means of a sodium hydroxide solution in a reactive alkali cellulose and reacted with an etherification by using chloroacetic acid (!!!) in carboxymethylcellulose. Use this product usually takes as detergent additives, binders, thickeners, paper sizing, protective colloid, in the manufacture of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and as Bohrhilfsmittel for oil drilling. To whom it now is still not enough to be kept in mind that chloroacetic acid in the 1st World War II in the form of mono chloro acetic acid as Gelkreuz warfare agent has been used quite successfully. Only the usual legal and very noticed in passing: the international danger mark for chloroacetic acid shows a skull with gekreuten bone.
I remember in this context, always happy to endless talk shop and further verification in relevant discussion of supermarkets across the identified ingredients in deli salads, baby foods, prepared any kind of products and frozen goods. As is consistently and meticulously studying every label on the packaging, nor the best pulled the same numbers brought e-Bible for advice and seriously considered whether it's health could be beneficial or detrimental to eat a frozen pizza. For some time it is reinforced time and again to discussions regarding genetically modified foods, which now does not stop itself from animal food. I guess fundamentally critical buyers and consumers by providing technical know-how and background, or a good solid foundation of knowledge, whether or not to be such sometimes completely meaningless discussions on the yogurt shelf, often at the crucial test for die-hard Saturday morning shoppers.
seems Curiously, in contrast to Starbucks products, especially the mostly used flavored syrup, any healthy suspicion, any skepticism about the fact and question "why smells and tastes a Hazelnut-Syrup intense than a real hazelnut?" Completely on the to keep track and the brain to adopt the most part good. One could of course malignant assume that exercise the syrup used such a narcotic effect on the brain, that further reflection on the question "What's really in there?" resolved itself.
My own personal conclusion of this remarkable more than experience: In normal café's is in the inner city is already spoken forcefully at a price to € 2.50 for a cup of coffee excited and exorbitant prices, although this is usually a clean table and receives a service offered and, believe it or not, speaks German, and read the card itself and can even understand, Starbucks customers are, however, resistance and protest willing to a more than questionable "barbarism" to submit to pay an inflated price for almost a paper cup full of dishwater indefinable, yet not even remotely reminiscent of coffee, and be forced to close as a guest in a residence located below the hygienic standards setting. can
The quality of the offered brew it really be so, particularly that slipped by me the suspicion that the principle syrup used in all kinds of flavors, about what really spills as a basis in a paper cup, away trying to mislead! Ergo not so much a piece of real coffee (food) culture is acquired, but rather the image and prestige are very important because it is a Starbucks inside. "Starbucks coffee to-go" for me is the same as since then, with "culture to go" - by Fried Chicken Wings, Chicken McNuggets, hamburgers and Coca Cola Zero is another piece of USA that the world does not really have to continue in the same direction to turn.
What the research about the ingredients used, concerned in particular in the services syrup, I would welcome the fairness, much future in any Starbucks coffee to-go paper cup clearly visible the words "to side effects and risks, ask your doctor or pharmacist " to install.
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
practice "healing life energy"
© - Copyright in respect of all text and images on this page that use also
Source / Image: (© Stefan Bayer)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Is Big Bucket Of Margarita Good
Attention: Mr 'drug Rabbit "on a mission for the Austrian police
The latest message from initiated circles: drug hare future in the service of the Austrian police! Austrians least firmly believed that a rabbit is the new colleague of two policemen.
To the curious incident came there on Sunday night in the truck parking area near the border to Austria. The crew of a patrol car controlled in a dragnet the driver of a Austrian trucks. This Officials noticed the smell of cannabis from the open window. They searched the driver and the car and actually found several ready-rolled joints.
joined During the inspection, suddenly a little white rabbit to the police and everything looked very closely at up close. The police noticed nothing, but the Austrians. This had a telling remark like him for the bidder scenario remains: whether the "drug Rabbit" Search for a drug dog now, as usual, the car would?
Astonished, the investigators looked at and wondered how the Austrians came on a rabbit. The drug user replied that the rabbits had been before the police arrived there long before his car and sat waiting for his deployment would. Since only the officials were aware of the rabbit. According to the Austrian's the ingenuity of the police was probably no limits anymore.
The officials had to disappoint the man, unfortunately: the "police pigs" was in drug investigations are not used, but it was allowed to it to the police station. Using a number tattooed in the ears of the breeders could be found. This was the rabbit a day later transferred to the custody, because up to this point, the real owner had not yet reported.
practice "healing life energy"
Source: http://www - Release of August 16, 2010
Australian Toaster Biscuits Seattle

After the pictured on my website, Tiger Rabbit "now apparently the greatest popularity, I keep getting requests, if I was breeding this certainly very rare breed and whether you may purchase from me a couple Tiger rabbits in order to breed for sale could.
Evolution may have over a long time so some brought in curious, but yet so far no rabbits with tiger stripes!
Now once again for anyone interested: Tiger rabbits do not exist, they can not buy or breed and unfortunately I also have no tiger as a pet rabbit - so I ask questions to refrain from further.
The Tiger Rabbit is a symbol for my work in my healing practice and, I am also a writer and author, for my book "Find yourself in you - learn the Tigers ride and then discover the tiger in you" now understood? Aaaaah, yes!
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
Monday, August 16, 2010
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Error

"My dear boy, all of us in the battle rages between the good and the bad wolf. One Wolf with the dark, the evil in itself - is it the anger, the anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, do not forgive, can, regret, greed, envy, arrogance, self pity and complacency, the insurmountable guilt, their own inferiority, false pride, lies, arrogance and egoism.
The other wolf with only the good and positive in itself: It is the understanding, sensitivity, empathy, charm and ease, peace, love, hope, serenity, kindness, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy . And generosity, truth, compassion, fidelity and loyalty "
The little boy thinks for a while in silence by the fire after sitting, looking at the stars, and then he asks his grandfather:" Grandfather, I was thinking, please answer me one question - who wins the two wolves because in their struggle "
The old Cherokee Indians see his grandson also first in silence and answered after a pause:" My dear boy, it is becoming that of the struggle one you feed! "
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mizuno Running Jacket

a German - Swiss satire near the Debilitätsgrenze!
every child knows him - the chocolate bunny! For the first time, the "Easter Bunny" is already officially in 1682 by the medical professor Georg Franck von Frankenau in his publication called "De ovis paschalibus - from Easter eggs" is mentioned. Georg Franck Frankenau described by the time this custom designed for the region of Alsace and adjacent Areas and reported in the medical treatise on the negative health effects as a result of the excessive consumption of eggs. German-speaking emigrants have carried the tradition of the Easter Bunny in the world and spread, and so we give him every year again: the Easter Bunny!
We know him in different types: packaged in gold foil, closed with and without bows, wrapped in cellophane or in a representative box with a fluffy synthetic grass draped around their paws - sometimes serious and joyful - and each is likely the "Easter Bunny" know from the television advertising of the company Lindt & Sprungli: In golden Foil-wrapped and lovingly puts him an honorable term employees of the company finally a red bow with a golden bell around his neck.
My personal opinion on this: Just this last production step, I would like at it and this would be deserving employee of the House of Lindt & Sprungli been seized by pressing a hand to thank him for this selfless service! If only for this brainwashing should be shown as a customer the company Lindt & Sprungli the dark red card!
Conclusion: Easter bunny happy = saved = happy customer!
So far as good if it did, there would be for not a traditional company from the Franconia Cadolzburg, the company Riegelein & Son, known also in the chocolate production established that packages including each year and chocolate Easter bunnies, in gold foil, However, the printed red neck ribbon only, manufactures and sells and has for years been sued by the Swiss-based company Lindt & Sprungli before various federal courts to the German Federal Supreme Court.
..... and now it is close to the borderline range for real satire raises
The Lindt & Sprungli since Years the company Riegelein plan to offer an almost confusingly similar gold Easter bunnies to sell on the market, thereby violating the trademark law. For years now the federal long-established company Lindt & Sprungli a process brought by one of omission of information (-?? So what if you please have a chocolate Easter bunny else be in it as chocolate and air) and damages against the Home & Riegelein son to leave the production and sale of their gold-Easter ban in court.
Both the District Court of Frankfurt am Main, and the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main have a trademark similarity clearly denied having been identified as evidence by the company Riegelein son & a photo of a similar chocolate Easter bunnies, the color film, but based on the evidence presented pictures clearly represent a golden hue, but rather in the field of bronze, was presented. For a confusion between the Easter Bunny Riegelein & Son vs. Lindt & Sprungli had, however, both Easter Bunny must be clearly packaged in an identical gold foil.
The Lindt & Sprungli appealed against this ruling before the Supreme Court appeal on a Federal Court, the Supreme Court reversed the decision and remanded the action to the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main. So far so good! At least now the right time would have been to disappear by Lindt & Sprungli this strenuous action against the company Riegelein & Son in the shredder and easy to forget with size. Far from it, after all, represents one by Lindt & Sprungli the sole interests of the gold-Easter Bunny!
Now this is more than ridiculous provincial farce of the highest order in the third round. That is the second time (!!!) was repealed the ruling of the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main due to the proposed revision of the Lindt & Sprungli by the Federal Court after the in the appeal trial before the Supreme Court in order to evidence submitted Chocolate Easter Bunny & Company Riegelein son was suddenly gone and untraceable. Even meticulous research revealed no evidence that Justice officials hungry poor chocolate rabbits had eaten or should be kidnapped and that only towards the payment of a large ransom again issued.
The Federal Court is now occupied since 2006 (document number I ZR 37/04 of 26 October 2006) with the province of the House Posse Lindt & Sprungli to the golden Easter bunnies and again was the verdict of the Court of Appeals objected and back to the Court of Appeal referenced. According to the Federal Supreme Court The Frankfurt court had not carefully enough to determine the extent not possible but there is a huge confusion between the chocolate Easter bunnies Company Riegelein & Son, and Lindt & Sprüngli in the population.
... Easter Bunny - Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main - third appearance:
For these now already been settled near the Debilitätsgrenze Posse consequently (!!!) a survey conducted among the population. This market study was not "the" Lindt & Sprungli presented Gold Easter Bunny, but only one in gold foil wrapped chocolate bunny without printing, without a red bow and without bells. The majority of respondents identified this as a chocolate Easter bunny rabbit original gold from Lindt, whereupon the Court of Appeals suggested that recognition is based only on shape and color of the gold foil, but not because of the attached bows with bells. This reasoning of the Appellate Court gave the Federal Court but did not provide sufficient and therefore now referred the case to trial again back to the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main.
one must note in this regard that the company Lindt & Sprungli "his" three-dimensional gold rabbit in 2000 within the EU and in 2001 in Germany Brand has registered and registered. Since that is the Swiss company Lindt & Sprungli court and not only against the house Riegelein son, but to a large number of competitors in the market to restrain the manufacture and sales, although since the 90's traditional Easter bunny in gold foil packed are manufactured in Europe and sold.
My conclusion: If
the whole not really reality, you could live in this province Posse German courts for a successful appearance at the former Royal Bavarian District Court hold, but have since been tried in addition to the District Court and the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main and the Federal Court! The very fact that the Federal Court to deal with such petty fights grave of the company Lindt & Sprungli must show me where we stand now: Poor bunny!
All Power to the Consumer:
As buyers see this as more and more ridiculous than absolutely narrow-minded approach of the company Lindt & Sprungli against the company Riegelein & Son and Others more critical and therefore are it is for me only only logical conclusion: no more products from Lindt & Sprüngli - and certainly no gold Easter bunnies!
One thing you should not ignore: the accrued and certainly not very significant cost for this special type of Gerichtsbespaßung by the company Lindt & Sprungli paid by the buyer with any product from this house!
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
practice "healing life energy"
The title protection indicator, Germany's leading specialty media for title protection, from Jul 27, 2010
BGH Bundesgerichtshof of 15 July 2010 (document number I ZR 57/08)
Economic and Social Rights, Contribution from July 21, 2010
Image: (© Claus Zewe)