Sunday, September 26, 2010

Average Sinus Infection

NEWSLETTER October / November 2010 drawing

we first briefly balance sheet, a summary of the recent past: just as a cool summer thunderstorms in the evening of a midsummer day, the atmosphere refreshed by oversized humidity and heat, cleans and clarifies, also served the past few months a large and much-needed cleaning up and clarifying the inside, as well as in outside. As previously announced long ago and predicted by me, was an escape, a hiding and sitting out or seal but a blind eye to long-standing festering problems and issues, as we have already practiced often in the past so extremely and done very successfully, it was are now the learning experience, clearly no longer possible and the clarity and clarification in the inside, as in the outside so it is unavoidable.

not we studied the direct confrontation, we found her and also forced to look closely to reflect and finally there is clarity and stand up for our interests and principles. We were all put to the test, especially as it examines our own set and / or not clearly fixed and clear limits, and questions were.

We found all that had been many things in the past has not been resolved definitively cured and released, but was already down as a precaution in the drawer of the seemingly eternal oblivion, again very present and thus was very topical again. So fraught and chaotic the past few months have been, we will in the future, this conclusion is likely each of us from the past Chaos have taken and internalized, can probably no longer tempted to sit out things first, close the eyes to the blessed and the remainder with the hope of a spontaneous healing and miracles to be seen.

After 01 October 2010 future disputes, recognizing potential future problems and inevitable conflicts and confrontations, but also much-needed conversations picked up immediately and actively with a lot of clarity, but also the necessary understanding of the attitude and thinking of others, to be completed. Here is the future but keep a lot more ease, humor and a certain laissez faire attitude catchment, the existing Doggedness, stubbornness and the inalienable right must-have-you want to insist on their own position to be the final approval from our lives and thus our communication to the outside in favor of a clear position and structure. The Inner Child, which was previously very defiant Stamped with the foot, because it does not get his way and you have not given him full force, is meanwhile grown up, ripe and structured, sensible and wise become.

is total, the current explosive and tense situation in the inside, as well as in calm outside and we can finally relax and fortunately a little rest and renewed strength and energy , Create a sense of ease and tranquility, a place now and let us breathe and, after the long months of chaos and instability, an incredible sense of liberation and regeneration.

so explosive, the overall situation has created in our personal and business use, so tense and aggressive, this has discharged within our society, we're thinking only of the permanent, sometimes below the belt line settled discussions about Dr. Thilo Sarrazin and his publication 'Germany abolishes the "internal and external political disputes of all types, the process to the No Angels Nadja Benaissa member or current The court trial of friendliness saves money. Who has in the past weeks and months following closely the news in the media notice, had to "give us our daily chaos again today!" Luckily all those who have kept track of here!

has also globally replaced a disaster the next, and I remind you of the tsunami disaster in Pakistan, where nearly 1,800 people were killed, 6 million were made homeless, have lost all their possessions and since then around 20 million people Fleeing from the flood waters are, the misfortune of this year's Love Parade in Duisburg, where countless people fell victim; following a major earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, there were numerous aftershocks, in New Zealand is a seething magma lake is broken, and heavy flooding and also with us at various flight crashes were always many victims.

traumatic So the past few months for some were so instructive and experience-rich we were, but also with past personal tragedies and problems faced by them carried out the educational experience: With me no more, I could grow it, I did it learned and finally understood!

The first half of October 2010 offers with a completely unexpected happy and promising opportunities and possibilities , which give us a taste, a little preview, with respect to our future. Talents and abilities that lay dormant until now completely unused in secret can now be efficiently and profitably in the future brought to light and integrated into our lives. We also learn a completely new and very unusual openness to know, and we see the future not go away and are no longer available to us, to a one continuous flow, standard or conformity or adapt - indeed the future we will have the courage, our opinion and make known to the outside criticism and to defend, we rebel against external opposition and positive way.

The period September to the end of 2010 as a whole is to regenerate and heal. In these months we have also repeated the chance finally solutions for identifying and overcoming recurrent, very subtle problems, which are used in the past repeatedly crossed our path and have begleitetet us and resolve this once and for all. Especially in the area of interpersonal relationships, we are for the purpose of healing again confronted with all that has prepared for us in the past always problems: comment on the inability of criticism against or to set limits to respect but also the limitations of others, the latent sense of paternalism and of inferiority, deprivation, but also the self-imposed victimization. This confrontation, as bad as it may be for one or the other is used, but only their own awareness and healing. One might compare this process with a recurrent purulent abscess heal does not want to - it breaks up and finally empties itself, it can also heal from the inside out for good.

The walls of often for many years maintained souls prison can be demolished in the coming months at last - only courage that is only what you "threaten" the final and lasting relief from dramas, recurring injuries and the repeated confrontation with one's own past, experienced, and the confirmation of one's own victimization. Bring the courage to once again yourself, your attitude and perception, especially towards himself, critical and reflected to put under scrutiny and question to leave the long-cherished and well-maintained security comfort zone, finally, you have the best chances dissolve old and so far very limiting ways of thinking, behavior and involvement, and cast off for ever. The price at the end of this healing path is the absolute serenity themselves and to others, a newfound neutrality, an almost limitless objectivity and the endless mental and spiritual freedom - serenity found in the "finally be let! Letting go of ratings and reviews, the sense of imperfection and disadvantage, but also letting go of their own susceptibility to the self-selected victims in prison. Remember this please: The luxurious long-held security comfort zone can eventually become an internal prison! Finally let go of the attitude of "give me my daily drama today and lasting into" daily my peace, my serenity, my harmony within and without, as well as my own personal happiness I seek me today! "

"A" Close your eyes and will "will no longer be possible! "Aggravated

Each Dodge, avoiding any attitude towards their own essential healing process and prolongs the whole thing is unnecessary and that way more serious and difficult. The cure lies only in our own perception, tolerance and the recognition that we ourselves to fulfill our dreams, visions and desires permanently deprived because we unconsciously over again with another child, and in principle completely unimportant targets deal and this intensely to pursue an obsession.

Previous manifestations on our way to healing, such as "this happens only to me" or "I will never find happiness in life" or "I have accepted to be an eternal victim" will soon belong to the past and forever extremely positive affirmations like "I have a right to happiness", "because I deserve it and because I'm worth it", and "everything is possible" permanent make room.

will be very positive in this case, fundamental changes in terms of greater self-understanding, forgiveness and private ownership, but also readily assumed responsibility for other show. Since most of the majority of people much more negative and critical classifies as they are perceived by their environment, in fact, the predicted healing effect will also impact in this area very pleasant and positive for everyone.

After it was treated in the past, forgiveness, and forgiveness, often by a certain degree of weakness, and a possible deficit, we will find that actually do not mind the more strength and size of a man than the deep forgiveness, and forgiveness - both towards himself, as well as others. Just the willingness and the will to Forgiveness, understanding and forgiveness will prove way and kick-start from their own recent victim of its own existence and recent vulnerability, self-perceived shortcomings and unrealistic self (-ver) judge.

In the area of the war of the sexes, not primarily in the outside between a man and woman, but in ourselves, the feminine and gentle yin and the masculine and aggressive Yang, is now finally a much needed equality, a balanced harmony and compensation possible. The polarizing opposites, the giving and receiving, active and passive, the soft, sensitive and tough, aggressive and warlike Part of us is a whole in the future as the synergy of healing and inner clarity and clarification of a balanced and extremely harmonious balance and rhythm are possible.

The first principle of Yin and Yang was not proportional to date in line and harmony, that is, either there was an imbalance in favor of Yin, the soft energy and archetypal femininity or in favor of Yang, the urmännlichen and aggressive, warlike share us. This often felt torn in us, rejects a future as a harmonious balance and perceived balance. We are therefore considerably more sensitivity and empathy, compassion and respect within and without, but also much clearer Structures, definitions and trends, and live very productive and efficiently integrate into our lives. The war within ourselves between a vulnerable perceived softness and tenderness, and the hard and aggressive enforcement and assertion will be finally finished and in its place occurs, instead of very warlike words voiced "I want" or "I need", a very harmonious and attentive "I wish".

indisputable, even if the road could be just as difficult and arduous in the inner peace and this can sometimes be only a declaration of war against us even in motion, is the objective of completing, complete healing, lasting peace with us and also as a resonance of peace in the outside world. This long-lasting and stable peace treaty should each of us be worth every effort and have the highest priority to the 31 December 2010. This

ahead healing sounds initially admit to much heavier and more difficult than it actually is. Everyone has known for many years exclusively to the war, the conflict and confrontation at all levels, we have become so accustomed to this war-like state that we have almost forgotten how it feels liberating and left lasting peace. We should However, give yourself the chance to rediscover what we have long forgotten and sometimes lost forever than to have considered - more stable and lasting peace and harmony on all levels of being.

you are subject please no misinterpretation: By this treaty of peace with ourselves and the resonance in the outside we are not uncritical, all apologetic, accepting and affirmative-gooders. However, we will permanently be in a position to accept such external criticism as constructive, not to feel patronized a result, the form of our communication is not more aggressive and judgmental, but mindful and balances are performed, we will increasingly be in a position to our own perspective on change from outside to problems facing us so that this creates understanding and vision and we will permanently be able to turn perceived weaknesses perceived by us, our greatest strengths.

On July 26, 2010 (ending July 24, 2011) began after the Mayan calendar a new year - the year of the red overtone moon "Muluc 5" in the phase of the red snake-wave, which began in 2006 and a 13 - year cycle is subject.

According to the Mayan calendar is this Muluc 5 - year the power of self-remembrance, of centeredness, the expression of our true self and the internal and external cleaning, he reminds us who we really are and calls us to greater self-expression, the currently-being, more openness, understanding and flexibility, terminated to each other rather than against each other to greater awareness and consideration for ourselves and for others.

Especially in spiritual terms this year a very special gift for us, it brings us closer to the cosmic and universal communication than ever, it opens up a whole new dimension to our higher self, a strengthening of our confidence in our intuitive Leadership, it reminds us of hidden potential that still lie dormant and undetected in us to be experienced and it makes us aware of our strengths and talents. We will learn to embrace our emotions and feelings and to live, but these calls from others with humility and gratitude. We will get back to the language of our soul to hear and signs and signals of our own intuition, our higher self, to interpret correctly.

The Muluc 5 - years, however, confronts us with our often well hidden and our self-shadows hidden issues: the relentless self-criticism and self, the self-forgetfulness, the refusal to ourselves, to reduce degradation and our own self, assessment and treatment and our conviction itself against, his own modesty, his own "to-Self do-little" and everlasting (ver-) used to, the often unjustified criticism to ourselves, the boundless be centered on one's own ego, rather than to open the leadership of the higher self, the constant search of the self exclusively in the field, the perpetual doubt about everything and anything, the constant in us points of expectation and demand towards other people's emotional dependence other.

Doubt is a pain too lonely is to know to
that confidence is his twin brother!

Khalil Gibran

This year is a year of the theme "Crime (s)" - the end of an eternal mutual offsetting of "debt (s)", the end of mutual recriminations and the the end of your imaginary debt (s), but also the perpetual search for the debt (s) of the others, the debt on his own self-imposed misery, drama and victimhood, which are arrested in their own fault. Let's give the issue of debt (s) "to ourselves and expect others to respect to last forever, us in exchange, what we have always sought: the ability for unlimited self-love and self-acceptance, give the ability to selflessly and accept the end of all ratings and reviews of trust and understanding for ourselves and others, forgiveness, and forgiveness. It expects us the end of the often life-long, more or less well-run war in the interior against ourselves, and consequently the resonance as the outside!

not matter how big the piles of mostly life-long accumulated and collected imaginary emotional bonds may be, away from it, burn all, without exception - as soon as possible best today. I advise you truly, without exception, any accrued debt is a symbolic statement to write - forget about this please do not be stated on what you charge, what the perceived debt, so what you ask for in return and expect / or and of course the name of the debtor.

Please write as "creditors" for each debtor account, please never forget this yourself - write to himself with conviction one bill for all that you believe yourself or others still owe. Did you write all your bills, you go through this again please read You aware of what has accumulated over a lifetime of debt and / or net debt (s) and accumulated. Are you ready for the cancellation of debt - their own and others - you put a candle in a fireproof container, if necessary, to make use of the outdoor grills or ignite a fire. Take each note once in the hand, you read it in peace and quiet again carefully and you adopt the debtor from the depths of soul and pure heart, the accumulation in your imaginary (-n) debt (s). Take then the promissory note in the fire and see how it burns - let the accumulated (-n) debt (s) in the fire of oblivion final and disappear forever. Very least, you should take your own notes in hand, read it very deliberately and centered once through, then you shall bring yourself your accumulated debt (s) and burn it as well in the fire.

If burned all the notes, you promise yourself from the bottom of my heart, no more debt (s) to accumulate and / or other debt (s) to be charged - what you give in the future, you give selflessly and happy without having a requirement or expectation to be charged, what is given to you, accept with humility and gratitude, without thereby maintain a required and / or expected return - now Your account will never be more emotional in the "minus" are, but solely and only in very liberating and relaxing area of the "Plus". Keep your own fault (s) - freely, it will also provide in the future never a debt (s) apparently present striving for a settlement or by you.

A very deficient internal debt (s) account and thus a lack of balanced and harmonious balance moves in principle by the law of resonance, and also a lack of balance in the outside of, ie, the more emotional your debt (s) account in the negative range, the more you inhibit this also requires the flow of growth and equity on the outside - minus the other hand, they resemble your emotional debt (s) of account will also balance the flow of growth and suppression in the outside and constantly increasing.

As in shamanism, the skin of the snake as a symbol of renewal and transformation, the snake as such for the cure, is, this is so important and spectacular year is from 01 October 2010 for a fundamental change, an unprecedented opportunity for transformation and healing - in ourselves and as a synergistic effect in terms of foreign and global. Ossified structures are finally stripped off and replaced by new and stable can be replaced. Previous proven management strategies will not work - so we see this as a call for new opportunities and to seek opportunities and opening ourselves to a much-needed change and adopt them.

The ultimate magic word in the sign of change and transformation is called "Answer" - the acceptance of transformation, to accept the coming changes, the unconditional acceptance of others and thus the uncompromising and unconditional acceptance of ourselves

" We'll rise above ourselves and do not see us more as a boundary, we can exceed them and be find that our existence is as boundless as the universe! "

It will no longer have to answer the question" go guilt or innocence, "" victim "or" perpetrator "," right "or" wrong ", but rather mutual understanding, watching a scene from another angle changed to promote mutual understanding and Helping each other, altruistic expect to be selfless and without anything in return or claim. Grant and we give without expectation and / or debt position, we will in future get back more than we ever expected or required in return.

The stormy and chaotic months of the departure, the beginning of change, transformation, are now over, the absolute priority now is to cure, the centering. The warriors of past battles have laid down their swords and armor finally, for they have known and believed that the war brings not peace but the path of peace can only end the war forever. We are vehemently and called on more and more and encouraged to declare the war in us as is, but the peace within us can permanently defeat in the war outside.

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

Source: (animals)

© - Copyright in respect of all text and images this site, use, or any part-
, requires the prior written consent of Mrs. Jutta A. Lotz - Hentschel.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Green Green 8 Uncensored

researched Critical!

Political asylum in Germany for Austrians to emigrate!

Since, as already reported experiencing Austria currently an election of a very special taste, and verbal mud-slinging, degrade themselves have begun to isolated groups and thus, unfortunately, the reputation of Austria, once in the vicinity of a small and extremely stubborn tribe of mental low-flying aircraft beyond the Alps!

tolerance and coexistence can be seen not by the store and holding the past, but the Vision for the future and the willingness to go forward together! That is especially the Freedom Party has not exactly proven to be a tolerant, cosmopolitan vision blessed party likely to have been well known and eagerly discussed not only within Austria and with plenty of momentum.

but now that the fact that the reigning Pope, a German, or for the Austrians better "a Piefke" is to Call the church exit out, shows clearly where this is currently the spiritual horizons - clearly in the bottom third!

The true greatness of man can be seen, however, the willingness and the will to forgive. I would like to lead by example and by no means the irreverence completely subordinate and hopefully will continue to take an insignificant fringe groups on this occasion and create a benchmark for me personally very friendly, open and friendly country and its inhabitants.

I encourage therefore, willing to migrate Austrians in Germany with pleasure and with open arms, whether to grant these political and intellectual development within a spiritual enclave in Europe so as now, political asylum.

No question about it, we should all be without exception, agree also with us is now so quite thoroughly in the pants, we are by no means the navel of the world and the internal political problems that are not disputed, are often with us and compensated only too happy to discuss foreign policy activities with much fanfare, so not quite as surrender to the sense of failure in his own house, But as bad as our reputation, we are again not now!

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

Source / Image: (© Stefan Bayer)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wedding Dresses Below Knee

researched Critical!

grouse Hunting 'Made in Austria "or the feeling of foreign ashamed!

Every one should ever have used the term "integration policy" is! Not only to regulars popular and widely discussed topic, especially since the publication of the publication 'Germany abolishes itself "by Dr. Thilo Sarrazin. Here one can argue admirably to what extent Mr. Sarrazin a demagogue or right-wing populist is stored, if he only speaks what to think or he allegedly million German here his own personal spiritual outpourings of a broad mass offering for sale. In any case, he has achieved with its publication of a: We begin again to critical and sometimes even on a high level in part to discuss! In any case, the continuing debate filled by Dr. Thilo Sarrazin, the annual late-summer-hole admirably - we see the so times not too close, finally moved, after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, unfortunately, nothing more hergibt of discussion and one in the meantime has already moved back to the usual agenda, once again, something in their own barn! Dr. Thilo Sarrazin was then thanked by his contribution to political and social level of the heart!

attention Who in the past two days the press has studied, but should have noted with regard to a particularly remarkable and noteworthy development beyond the West German border in our neighboring country of Austria, which really deserves a post:

grouse hunting made "in Austria "- is obviously worse ever!

has in the course of the currently taking place in Austria election campaign, the well-known right-wing populist FPÖ (Freedom Party), has remained particularly memorable by its more than below the belt active front Jörg Haider, once again, particularly (un) pleasant and very remarkable staged.

you visit the official website of the Freedom Party of Styria ( you will be greeted already on the first page with a friendly and mutually exhilarating banner, which is located above any threshold of pain : As an apparently rocks as a Greek citizen identifiable man in a hammock converted to Greek flag, throws a wad of cash in the air and over the whole scenario appears the phrase "Better: Our money for our people!" one. This could be considered or established with a lot of tolerance and goodwill than in the middle of moral and ethical belly button and on the edge of a bad joke.

Looking at the individual reports within the page but at once critical, taking the very migrants hostile and extremely right-wing populist attitude of the FPÖ already focus heavily on:

- I quote: "Styrian Each has a right to security" - alleged statistics of the BPD and the Federal Ministry of Justice: Number of criminal offenses by 17.8% and 43.3% of burglaries (Where is this actually the durable proof out that in fact this increase citizens were involved with migration background?), Proportion of foreign offenders in prisons Styrian 34.7% (Aaaah yes! And the remaining 65.3%? The Styrian fellow citizens seem to be so blessed and therefore not necessarily with a clean slate!) Contrary to this established part of the FPÖ's claim, one can Curiously, the published statistics of the administration Styria a 2.3% drop in crime rate in proportion to the years 2005 to 2009 found.

- Quote: "Only those who live in safety, can develop freely and be active!" This safety claim seems obvious only to apply for Styrian citizens. Those who ask here after the security needs of citizens living there with a migration background? Who is protecting actually the people from the very hostile and racist remarks hostile to a Freedom Party? No later than the occasion of this paper, one has the feeling of foreign ashamed!

- To top it all yet to crown, rants on the Freedom Party in perfectly good root-level table: "More home instead of Islamization .... "Since when does a free democratic state in Europe the religion a major role in the immigration or naturalization? The current pace of FPÖ reminds me personally, at times very similar to the dark history of racial laws of the Nazis - just disgusting and yet deeply despise!

- would particularly recommend I review under the heading "Freedom" and "home", which are not of hypocrisy to offer: " freedom is one of the most important things in life. People need freedom like the air we breathe! " asks who here for the freedom of the people who usually found with high hopes, hardships and personal goals, but also where protection from persecution and discrimination, in this country come to?

- Quote: " home for all of us is important! Without home of the man is rootless, feels homeless and lost " The word" home "seems to clearly apply only to local citizens;! that foreign citizens have left their homes blessed with the hope to find in Austria, a new permanent home and a piece of home, is here completely ignored! shot down
definitively the bird, the Freedom Party with an Internet game, similar to the grouse game, called on their side involving an objective gauge the direction of mosques and minarets -
"Mosque Baba!" can be shot down. At the end of this game appears on the screen a banner with the information:

Styria is full of minarets and mosques!

prevent this from happening: On 26 September

Dr. Gerhard Kurz and the FPÖ vote!

Regardless of the high degree of absolute bad taste of this game, here there can be only the zero-tolerance limit and the dark red card, here the population, respectively lied to the electorate and with intent to mislead: It is well established throughout the Steiermark not a single project with a view to planning a mosque, nor a pre-existent mosque!

The FPÖ, as in the past their leader Joerg Haider, populist Stammtisch slogans worst right-wing style, are more like graffiti on public railway station toilets, current on her election campaign. Here is deliberately and with premeditation migration of an absolutely hostile and extremely racist campaign by using purely fictional hypotheses, completely unsubstantiated statements, glaring contradictions and lies made slick mood and politics. The comments of the Freedom Party in the election campaign now have the character of sedition and incitement to racial hatred, with an apology to foreign citizens, it should be here is not done by far, here are to set a strong and clear signal in the interior as well as in the outside sanctions from state side against the FPÖ, and especially the front man of the Styrian FPÖ, Dr. Gerhard Kurz, essential and necessary. Personally, I would appreciate it more than if it were introduced here have a formal procedure against the Freedom Party, with the aim of this because prohibit incompatible with the rule of law and democratic principles.

Fortunately, there seems to be in Austria or people with vision, morality, ethics and conscience to give. Various Austrian media have since refused to accept ads of the FPÖ, commission and publish.

meantime was also provided by the Green Party of sedition charges against the Freedom Party to the competent prosecutor. The prosecution has now the lifting of immunity of the Styrian state election FPÖ chairman and top candidate Dr. Gerhard Kurz requested. The Islamic Religious Community in Austria (GGIÖ) now has a complaint against the Freedom Party because of hate speech, religion and xenophobia introduced.

My conclusion: In general, I express my general not to domestic and foreign policy issues - that others do, about the quality I want at this point not to judge, evaluate yet, already sufficiently . This is not about politically-sensitive issues, but rather a deliberately embarked right-wing populist direction of flow and propaganda in the worst genre, go completely contrary to the previously chosen because of the understanding, respectful coexistence and peace and integration, the Freedom Party makes use of all sorts of clichés, the subject of radicalism experiences here again an entirely unexpected dimension . This is not only an absolutely questionable and despicable political expression and very eager and often just during the election campaign used Migration club, here it is only just about people, no matter what religion, skin color, their nationality, what social status! People like us, who deserve it, that it accepts and respects them and met with respect, people who deserve it, that one up for them and protect them, stands up for them. Here, too, for me, as always the main principle is:

"Who is silent, agrees in principle agreed to everything!"

(it was already too much silence in the past, it is time to

that from now spoken - loudly and very clearly, then one will be

understood by all! )

I am convinced that it within the Austrian basic rights, as well as in German (Constitution / Article I.) states:

"Human dignity is inviolable.

to respect them protect and commitment

all state authority. "

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

Image: http://www pixelio. . de (© Stefan Bayer)
FPÖ Styria: