"The Neanderthal fraternity or prohibited access for members in my future "- Part II
After the loud howling from the Neandertal after weeks of continuous bombardment either indignant or concerned reacting, especially male readers, and enthusiastic applause from the mostly female camp, finally a little down and calmed down, has now Part II of "The fraternity Neandertal," My basic conclusion because
received numerous emails and phone calls
"As a last hope dies or we should never stop believing in a better future world! "
I myself was also impressed, and often amused, how diverse, controversial and very interesting but the variety of reactions regarding my contribution designed.
After I received due to several emails and phone calls in the abyss of jungle and Gully level á la "Sch .....- lesbian, you should really sleep durchv ...... "To" You bitch, you are behört times really worried, so you on your understanding of who has to say with you that! "A short comment and the friendly offer on my part, without exception, to provide all received letters in the original with full return address on the Internet , had published in my blog, but could be an increasingly clear trend in terms of reflection, insight and "Oh my God, are we really" know.
"So respect, gentlemen, the war seems so still not have to be lost for good because self-knowledge is well known, always the first step to recovery!"
were really very interesting three calls from middle-aged ladies who not be deterred from adopting left their husbands had secretly, silently and softly urgently needed counseling hour indulged in my office couch and I would have these met in person, because it considered that the detailed description to 100% on the beloved Zeus their local Olympian is applicable. At this point all three ladies enjoy my absolute sympathy and my admiration for having so long held out with the obvious flagship copies of a seasoned Neanderthals.
I generally extremely reluctant to criticize, or with the verbal club to the newsletter envelope go back a present without an appropriate approach may be, I asked for about six weeks an overwhelming participation in the form of discussions and comments regarding my publication, which since may well have gone wrong in the past so thoroughly that after such a long time in which we have successfully trained to walk upright, more and more men apparently decide on an evolutionary step backwards into the Stone Age.
My conclusion: "Anyone who hands out, it can also plug in! Girls, we ourselves are to blame and have accelerated this development actively and massively feed! Jajaaaa, I know, I can now again make a "funny taken" time and am fully aware of the fact that, in turn, now my sisters will follow suit on me! Around 25,000 years ago allowed a man of Neandertal still indulge his true passion unrestrained and daily prove that he is a real man:
not we let the evolution briefly pass in review. The woman guarded the cave, the descendants and the fire and a man could live yet, what a man constituted at that time as follows: chasing the mammoth, create with the saber-toothed tiger, uninhibited numerous offspring in order to protect the nature and impunity to the unpopular neighboring tribe due to territorial district claims the leg thrashing through the skull. Man (n) lived in communities, went together to hunt and not interested Homo Sapiens at that time as to whether one (s) at the handiwork scraped loudly snored, farted or hearty belch - ergo, a man could still be a real man !

Prior to that time the man to indulge in any case even the feeling of being a real man and when to just such be valued and respected - no one was interested about the equality of women, or a possible say the same. Women had above all to be beautiful to put children into the world, house and home to , Taking guests to entertain lavishly, the house staff, overseeing primarily slaves, and guide, look up to the species man, to admire him and of course to pay the necessary respect and applause, but otherwise if you please to shut up. For the man was at these times the world is in order! Women were in their usual gender role, they were not bitchy, still rebellious and even not at all, they were not just the tribe of the Amazons, brushed on war and exchange of blows with men.
Women were no longer held in memory of the Stone Age caves were, at that time still only limited corporate and operational and enjoyed virtually no excess of its own individual rights. Despite these societal and social restrictions, women were, however, was already quite advanced and you could almost call it liberated already, by often going about a job, particularly sought after and highly respected in society here were the professions of doctor and the midwife. Otherwise, the position of women within a more male-dominated social order was still heavily dependent on the particular position and the reputation of her family or her husband. Relatively quiet and almost unnoticed, but then women began to stake out the back door already to his own claim, to show solidarity and organize. The official part of the battle against male domination was indeed broken out yet at this time, but secretly smoldering already silent the feminist resistance and the resulting revolt.
Tjaaa, everything went very quiet so if it had not happened there in 1906 - a severe cut and a clear trend towards the feminist cultural revolution: a very rebellious and very valiant female avant-garde had to Finland for the first time the franchise women set! The following year, then took place in Stuttgart, the first Socialist Women's Congress. At the beginning of the 20th Century, was active in the U.S. England and a very radical and not very tolerant organized women's rights movement has become known under the name of suffragettes, derived from the English and French = suffrage election. From now on it was so everywhere: "Men, keep and share snout and now we women take the helm"
From then on, women have little by little, and there is really no one thought of Alice Schwarzer and her "Emma" country conquered for itself, and increasingly men made their role as a great politician, conqueror, warrior and commander in dispute. That was exactly the time when we have girls Omi whispered in his ear seems must be: "women to the front and down with the guys, you are long enough crawled"
The only functioning social and egalitarian social system is said to have prevailed over 12,000 years ago in Atlantis, since this time, however, say "Stop funny! "Since this quite futuristic, but very welcome social system, including Atlantis was sunk in the sea, we practice diligently with the illusion that dominate the upright to perfection. However, we are honest with ourselves, we must admit, ready to either since the stone age in women and crawled voluntarily before the man, or men, often with Stilettos in aid of the neck, in front of women and not necessarily willing and voluntary, but because we love them mostly been helpful on the way down to the side, went to its knees - if only for the sake of peace and order in most cases to prevent further domestic and marital collateral damage!
Our parents or, better mothers and grandmothers were still largely a life in the classic roles: Dad earned the money and mom took care of children and household. All were generally satisfied and willingly lived the traditional family image of their own parents and grandparents - the world seemed so still perfectly fine and quite peaceful to be.
straight times in a pari-situation with regard to equality between men and women, we were in the 68's, when even the slogan "Who's asleep twice with about the same part of the establishment," was . Man (n) and wife lived as it suited them, sat peaceably side by side together for a political demonstration and subsequent battle with police as a stone-throwers in a cell in the prison and shared in the community together to address the anti-authoritarian rearing of the common begotten offspring. In step was divided (n) is in a peaceful coexistence multiple partners, the dilapidated housing, the decrepit VW bus, tasks, money, the smoking Joint and demos to § 218 "is my gut me" along the lines of a peaceful and really happy, though largely unpretentious life generally valid under the slogan "Make love, not war" and "Peace!"
early 80 years we learned a completely new and hitherto unknown flow direction. A bearded guru named Bhagwan raised his voice and Poona in India gathered en masse seeking useful supporters, who had renounced the general consumerism and careerism in order. Curiously, this already drew a clear move away from peaceful coexistence in the direction of "guys, we'll now show me, how's to work in future! "from. Women in particular were the most vocal proponents of Bhagwan'schen teachings and led busy and successful the various ashrams. In particular, women's and feminist groups that had been relatively unnoticed in the background of the jungle, gender, felt this flow with pseudo-oriental religious background strongly attracted and inspired.
boys were allowed to also play in this league, but were usually reduced to a purely sexual, as the trailer (s), guided by the enlightened Bhagwan, the acting out of free love with you and frequently changing sex partners propagated, solid partnerships for almost totally rejected and men were therefore more likely positioned in a kind of subordinate role of follower.
recorded in this era are already clear, a clear reversal of peaceful coexistence through to neo-feminist declaration of war "You can if I want, but I'll tell you how, when and how often!" From. Men had kindly uncommented adapt to make no demands and are in force prescribed orange-red unisex eco-clothes with the Mala, a wooden bead necklace with the image of the illustrious gurus around the neck, preferably "Ommmm" - muttering and enlightened look submissive held for up to were chosen at some point one of the female Sannyasins order to implement the Tantras gracious. Until that time was generally: "Guys, we wish you a lot of fun with you alone!"
Not even if you had any woman believer of this movement, saw but many with secretly envious look at this totally new and existing traditional roles very contrary embossed alignment.
I personally know quite a few by then very honest and very down to earth women who are indeed, as soon as their own men were in earshot, about the groups occurring in love with bells and drums armed, happily singing and non-compliant in Go-times-not at all color-clad lad making fun, but preferably Friday evening only too happy amuses in a circle of like-minded and very discreet friends at the Bhagwan's Club "Zorba the Buddha" - a rogue but and the evil thinks, after all, men and their family table!
After Bhagwan was recalled after years of self-imposed great meditative silence, countless changing names and several sensational show-trials for rape and violations of U.S. immigration laws in 1990 at the age of 58 years of this world calmed themselves noticeably the scene, the funny Friday nights in "Zorba the Buddha" breathed too (alas!) garbed life, and the myth around the Poona Ashram, and the orange-red, Mala-hung and permanently grinning guru-disciple disappeared increasingly from the West German streets. Pity, because the upcoming weekend has always started with a lot of fun Friday night already!
Although the psychedelic scene track dropouts as whether the death of her guru passed out of the ashram in Poona Bhagwan'schen Central and had free love, but apparently 50% of the female population of the western hemisphere, the call for freedom, Self-realization and self-discovery of their own sex loudly and very clearly heard. The new way of life now saw his own house, as only a child, before with a lot of goodwill sometimes two, a vehicle in the upscale and a professionally successful and most presentable man.
deals well with the intellectual self-discovery, presentable hobbies and respectable basic equipment such as my self-planned house, my scale of a landscape architect Zen garden, my child multilingual elite boarding school and my husband in the boardroom, blessed with an annual salary in six figures and Vacations in preferably trendy hip bath and winter sports resorts, remembered Wife returned to their proper destination - you no doubt recall: Ms = house rather than cave, child (ren), fire and man successful hunter! The woman confirmed her princess's daily existence with the idea to justify their own idleness, that behind every successful man is ultimately a wise woman!
After men have to some extent even tolerated the traditional roles and supported, which was evident in the long run now too boring and not very presentable and so was looking wife a new field - the search for meaning of one's being and the search for the actual meaning of life.
This Search were frequented often and preferably obsessive gurus of all stripes, which means very catchy steam chatter suggested their followers that they had no problems, the real problem is ..... Yes, what you thought, please? Of course, solely the man! Men and women might not actually be evolutionarily close to supplement and, much talking about each other and understand, for she would be natural to speak completely different language and, therefore, clearly can not communicate with each other. We recall here still like to the standard literary work of this scene and the temporary orders in all charts: "Men from Mars, Women are from Venus! "
After men were confronted almost overnight with a completely new stream, they were first brought home, that only the success of the women's pole shall Enver would promise a fundamental positive change. In defense of the men must be noted clearly: "All respect, even those meaningless Budenzauber have you supported without complaint and you can readily we put the offender-fight combat boots"
So you learned (s) to be in his new role " feminine man "to find his way, his favorite job was at night to feed the crying baby, to wrap and weigh again to sleep, for his wife in selbstgestricktem organic sweaters and Bio-flops purchasing from the market homecoming tow, we were pregnant together, went into the evening cuddle-yoga class for men and shared in common even suffering the symptoms of PMS. Nothing more with evening Stammtisch been carefully maintained and male friendships, rather we discussed with like-minded people in a relaxed atmosphere about the move to an organic farm with self-contained principle.
Since life offers many possibilities for finally re-orientation, life seemed peaceful in the country with cows, cuddling, herb garden, Grandma's recipe for preserves and homespun wool on a permanent rather monotonous and troughs to be. What woman does have really an all-terrain rubber stamp, which is explained by mutual agreement with all the baby every night changes the Pamper's, discussed in terms of the acquisition of a sheep and the abolition of the used up to that power-operated lawn mower into a coma and instead of fine eau de toilette and dark blue suit, ecologically sound organic cotton and the raising of unfertilized organic carrots have the advantage? So, using the slogan, "Even the woman!" Women are looking for ever since the road to self-affirmation, ego and its own success. Since Mrs. von der Leyen, even with seven children and a respectable ministers blessed us just, that woman has children and careers can be made transparent under one roof, we are finally on the absolute level flight.
The man has kindly exchange his gutdotierten and demanding job and a desk at the management level for aprons, rags and vacuum cleaner and the opposition and selflessly to take his parental leave, to the welfare and prosperity of the newly brought into the world young, his father happy, and in particular live out his fatherly duties thoroughly and with full commitment to ensure that the new mom, barely got out of the childbed, again their place in the fast lane the career ladder can adopt.
If we have taken for nine months of pregnancy plus an arduous birth to us, our set up to that perfect figure on and fitnessgestählte's game to set the desired son into the world, we see it only as a duty and obligation could that Dad, having us merely accompanied the pregnancy rate, we have patted the hand at birth, then subsequently cut with honor as a proud producer of the umbilical cord, now even think about it is because we still have other higher-level and far more important tasks exercise than to take care of house and children, because after all we live no longer in the Stone Age !
We women are all nice talk, lie to ourselves, close our eyes for ever before and convince us every day saying that we have seen just our chance to develop and self-discovery, one thing remains, however, irrefutable fact:
"We have the men to make what they are today! "
We have pretty much assigned to each role we have declared the Ultimate: From hunters to war lords, from hero to Mitkommunarden, the successful provider and entertainer who has given us funding our comfortable life and we often after divorce (... the Pastor had lied obviously, the number did not go to death) have taken definitively to the facts, the women understand until selfless home - we've done everything (it s) to its knees to him by us to specify the desired direction, making him one for our opinion, perfect people, we have tried to bend to enter and to influence them, not always fair means, we have often criticized unfairly and made men into perpetrators, even though they were actually victims Only one thing we did not do: We have never accepted in their unique individuality and have therefore largely men obviously their identity is lost.
who loses because of an accident or serious illness, his memory and no longer knows who he is, must have to start all over again, to once again regain. And just as we should handle the whole, the war finally ends together and declare
"Once again start from scratch! "
That alone is the only opportunity" way to get from scratch to meet as equals and find another level new: Mutual respect, empathy and sensitivity on both sides, acceptance of dual individuality, accepting the other as a person whose opinions and views and we will do all that even a best seller not be taught the truth:
"We speak a language very well, we should only give trouble to listen and to understand at last! "
Jutta A. Lotz - Hentschel
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