researched Critical!
NEW! The ultimate revolution in the esoteric realms of the absurd:
"Karma vs detachment. sin made easy with confidence - indulgences! "
What??? This is actually not! Your karmic debt account is much exaggerated and is already for years in abysmal minus range? In the past, hard executed arrived and you were asked deep fears, for it to land in purgatory or hell and messed up your karma already for this and the next three life completely to have? But not yet, one can but flight rules without fuss!
Please remember now everything you heard ever do on the subject of forgiveness of sins and penance, or have learned but the occasion of your confirmation or communion lessons at some point: Nothing more sneak with the uniform gray penitential robe and head down through life, pray confess and , countless "Ave Maria" and "Our Father" kneeling with rosary in her sweat-damp hands in endless loop murmur or a lifetime of bad conscience wallow, fear tainted from the threat of purgatory and the threat of "going to hell" after death - now there is the ultimate general absolution "light and to go", the Karma detachment, or karma-resolution! As never heard of it? They (perhaps) ignorant, then it is now but about time! Finally, you should not only in terms of your new state car, but also your own future salvation, ever be on the cutting edge and never closed a revolutionary new feature!
self-established with a spiritual and psychological Practice, I consider myself still as a very suspicious critics what terms now on the market, like me as "esoteric Absurdistan," and accepted terms near the border with the collective brainwashing settled practice of isolated mostly self-proclaimed super-guru of the scene. The limits of my personally almost boundless humor I see exceeded whenever the own material profit and a lurid and narcissistic PR presence on the fate of seeking help and sometimes completely desperate people set and forget and often like to ignore is that this is about a life and a destiny in them Hope is entrusted to help. Especially
can hear everything I always and will always, when alleged capacities are advertising that every day in their practice, the most "I'm super important's" enter the world of its own grace the intercom in each other's hand. First, we are also subject to a secrecy imposed on the other it is a question of honor, especially since the dropping of B-and C-celebrities absolutely nothing as to the competence and qualifications of the provider says, never their own benefits alleged by the attribution of celebrities . revalue A serious alternative healer or a psychic medium which offers expertise, Performance and achievements and not by blatant advertising!
I therefore be prepared to always current and controversial issues and practices, mind you, to overturn any suspicion from the very start not to sweep the unloved competition from the market (one each was indulged in with all my heart a well-filled schedule, at 6, 8 billion people in this world and an empirically demonstrated rapid growth of psychological and psychosomatic stress disorders will probably not be unemployed by us), but to take desperate seeking help unattainable illusions and hopes to help you with many completely untenable promises and sometimes exorbitant costs offered and sold.
First, in order to better understanding, a little background: The word "karma" comes from Sanskrit and means "work" or "deeds". The theme of karma is next to the samsara, the eternal cycle of rebirth, an integral part of Hinduism and Buddhism in particular and has to follow the teachings not have a direct effect in the current life, but may also manifest itself in the next. The formation of Karma is based on the design of these teachings on the legality and validity of cause and effect, ie an act or a thought is basically an effect and is not based on an assessment or punishment of a higher institution. To aim for objective here is absolutely no karma produce, as both bad, and good karma generated again, the cycle of rebirth and incarnations. The everlasting accompanying us Karma is represented in historical works mostly as a wheel, which symbolizes the eternal cycle of rebirth and death.
NEW! The ultimate revolution in the esoteric realms of the absurd:
"Karma vs detachment. sin made easy with confidence - indulgences! "
What??? This is actually not! Your karmic debt account is much exaggerated and is already for years in abysmal minus range? In the past, hard executed arrived and you were asked deep fears, for it to land in purgatory or hell and messed up your karma already for this and the next three life completely to have? But not yet, one can but flight rules without fuss!
Please remember now everything you heard ever do on the subject of forgiveness of sins and penance, or have learned but the occasion of your confirmation or communion lessons at some point: Nothing more sneak with the uniform gray penitential robe and head down through life, pray confess and , countless "Ave Maria" and "Our Father" kneeling with rosary in her sweat-damp hands in endless loop murmur or a lifetime of bad conscience wallow, fear tainted from the threat of purgatory and the threat of "going to hell" after death - now there is the ultimate general absolution "light and to go", the Karma detachment, or karma-resolution! As never heard of it? They (perhaps) ignorant, then it is now but about time! Finally, you should not only in terms of your new state car, but also your own future salvation, ever be on the cutting edge and never closed a revolutionary new feature!
self-established with a spiritual and psychological Practice, I consider myself still as a very suspicious critics what terms now on the market, like me as "esoteric Absurdistan," and accepted terms near the border with the collective brainwashing settled practice of isolated mostly self-proclaimed super-guru of the scene. The limits of my personally almost boundless humor I see exceeded whenever the own material profit and a lurid and narcissistic PR presence on the fate of seeking help and sometimes completely desperate people set and forget and often like to ignore is that this is about a life and a destiny in them Hope is entrusted to help. Especially
can hear everything I always and will always, when alleged capacities are advertising that every day in their practice, the most "I'm super important's" enter the world of its own grace the intercom in each other's hand. First, we are also subject to a secrecy imposed on the other it is a question of honor, especially since the dropping of B-and C-celebrities absolutely nothing as to the competence and qualifications of the provider says, never their own benefits alleged by the attribution of celebrities . revalue A serious alternative healer or a psychic medium which offers expertise, Performance and achievements and not by blatant advertising!
I therefore be prepared to always current and controversial issues and practices, mind you, to overturn any suspicion from the very start not to sweep the unloved competition from the market (one each was indulged in with all my heart a well-filled schedule, at 6, 8 billion people in this world and an empirically demonstrated rapid growth of psychological and psychosomatic stress disorders will probably not be unemployed by us), but to take desperate seeking help unattainable illusions and hopes to help you with many completely untenable promises and sometimes exorbitant costs offered and sold.
First, in order to better understanding, a little background: The word "karma" comes from Sanskrit and means "work" or "deeds". The theme of karma is next to the samsara, the eternal cycle of rebirth, an integral part of Hinduism and Buddhism in particular and has to follow the teachings not have a direct effect in the current life, but may also manifest itself in the next. The formation of Karma is based on the design of these teachings on the legality and validity of cause and effect, ie an act or a thought is basically an effect and is not based on an assessment or punishment of a higher institution. To aim for objective here is absolutely no karma produce, as both bad, and good karma generated again, the cycle of rebirth and incarnations. The everlasting accompanying us Karma is represented in historical works mostly as a wheel, which symbolizes the eternal cycle of rebirth and death.

from Eastern religions now the Roman Catholic Theology: even the most stubborn among us are atheists, certainly before the concept of indulgences have heard. The drain from the Latin "indulgentia" or "the Roman grace" is a basic concept of the Roman Catholic Church. This is understood as an act of grace, through the temporary punishment due to sins in whole or in part, for example, today in the form of confession, a pilgrimage or the papal blessing "Urbi et Orbi", may be adopted, mind you, only the penalty but not the sin awarded as such. Sanctioned in earlier times heavier sins in the form of fasting or prolonged exclusion from Faith community, but it fell through advocacy and intercession earned a community member be rescinded.
In the late Middle Ages then discovered the Popes who suffered in those days from a chronic lack of money and the threat of impoverishment of the monasteries, the adoption of sins committed against payment. That is, after the repentant sinner had been described flowery that it expected purgatory in detail, like to have the involvement already faded relative, the cook apparently also for its conduct on earth sins in hell, but which you might also like to freely buy for cash, which regarded as particularly honorable and loving the next was, was a sum of money agreed under a kind of Fines, to count against the sins committed and have been adopted - the commercial sale of indulgences was thus invented.
In other words: So basically nothing with general absolution in his lifetime, one could only once as before continue to like it, tougher "Dudu" There's this then in hell, unless found it after his own death a merciful tuned loving relative who had enough cash, pay for another for the poor sinner, and according to him caused from purgatory!
The indulgences and commercial trade the Roman Catholic Church Indulgences in determining "Cash is real," was then also trigger the Luther's Reformation, which led him in turn to the Constitution of the 95 theses. In 1567 by Pope Pius V. was then permanently banned the sale of indulgences and placed with the threat of excommunication under severe penalty.
In the course of today, all the usual local and extremely comfortable cash & carry "mentality, you regulate such details that one anyway just spoil unnecessarily the day, while still remaining for cash, but much more discreet, with no public remorse and Pranger, papal Fines or compulsory membership in the Roman Catholic Church.
notice because: Even a modern-day absolution is only possible when the repentant sinner is a baptized Catholic who is free from serious sin and reconciled with God and the Church.
If you for example to save the costs of divorce, assassinated your ex-wife or just such commissioned would be, in the opinion of the Church (... and not only this!) A grave sin - in this case, you should less to a remission of sin hope, but rather rely on the services of a competent and experienced defense lawyer!
Urgent Warning: Before you think further in that direction, was only mentioned in passing that even a long stay in prison is not the cause due to the fact karma or balancing some picks, but merely a result of the secular legal peace is restored. For the story, as such, then there's the view of Buddhist or Hindu religious teachings behind in regard to your karma again reflecting the extra stylus! Therefore, my well-intentioned advice to you: Make friends prefer the idea as to payment arising from divorce costs - all other causes only lousy karma!
In the late Middle Ages then discovered the Popes who suffered in those days from a chronic lack of money and the threat of impoverishment of the monasteries, the adoption of sins committed against payment. That is, after the repentant sinner had been described flowery that it expected purgatory in detail, like to have the involvement already faded relative, the cook apparently also for its conduct on earth sins in hell, but which you might also like to freely buy for cash, which regarded as particularly honorable and loving the next was, was a sum of money agreed under a kind of Fines, to count against the sins committed and have been adopted - the commercial sale of indulgences was thus invented.
In other words: So basically nothing with general absolution in his lifetime, one could only once as before continue to like it, tougher "Dudu" There's this then in hell, unless found it after his own death a merciful tuned loving relative who had enough cash, pay for another for the poor sinner, and according to him caused from purgatory!
The indulgences and commercial trade the Roman Catholic Church Indulgences in determining "Cash is real," was then also trigger the Luther's Reformation, which led him in turn to the Constitution of the 95 theses. In 1567 by Pope Pius V. was then permanently banned the sale of indulgences and placed with the threat of excommunication under severe penalty.
In the course of today, all the usual local and extremely comfortable cash & carry "mentality, you regulate such details that one anyway just spoil unnecessarily the day, while still remaining for cash, but much more discreet, with no public remorse and Pranger, papal Fines or compulsory membership in the Roman Catholic Church.
notice because: Even a modern-day absolution is only possible when the repentant sinner is a baptized Catholic who is free from serious sin and reconciled with God and the Church.
If you for example to save the costs of divorce, assassinated your ex-wife or just such commissioned would be, in the opinion of the Church (... and not only this!) A grave sin - in this case, you should less to a remission of sin hope, but rather rely on the services of a competent and experienced defense lawyer!
Urgent Warning: Before you think further in that direction, was only mentioned in passing that even a long stay in prison is not the cause due to the fact karma or balancing some picks, but merely a result of the secular legal peace is restored. For the story, as such, then there's the view of Buddhist or Hindu religious teachings behind in regard to your karma again reflecting the extra stylus! Therefore, my well-intentioned advice to you: Make friends prefer the idea as to payment arising from divorce costs - all other causes only lousy karma!
I wonder at this point, if the world powers in all television and radio stations (Solo listening to this papal blessing is already sufficient to get the benefit of the adoption;! physical presence is no longer essential) annual papal blessing "Urbi et Orbi" what do all those who are not baptized, nor a member of the Catholic Church are? So hell, but closed due to overcrowding? A clear and firm "No!"
For all others who believe, their soul is not entirely unblemished, there is now the ultimate indulgences and general absolution "light and to go" in the Fom Karma separation, or resolution! A rogue who believes the former practice of indulgences for cash in the style of the Middle Ages had been taken up again and turned it back into our civilized world. Neiiiin certainly not so bad it's the Catholic Church and the monasteries today, thank God, no more and the whole procedure was modified a bit, ergo adapted to the current spirit!
Today it all works in times of coffee to go, pizza and burgers to let go, getting married in Las Vegas at the Drive Inn-switches and such, just divorced after three days in Reno, much easier and more convenient. You do this not even get out of your weary car that runs similar to your preferred Mc Donald's branch: Window down boost, pop required papers on the shelf at the counter, a brief verbal confirmation of the distinctive designs (instead of the usual order with Mäcken!) And final breakdown of your closed only three days of marriage (At this point only once in memory, it said about ".... till death do you part! "), signature and ex and hopp you want the market available again!
But it's even easier and for this you do not even have to book a plane ticket: For a replacement karma you need today to rise even more in the car and can all too easily by in a bathrobe and the Adilette can do local couch by phone and PayPal do, and - similar to the pizza service: call, order, deliver and give okay to pick up in this particular case can be - personal presence is not absolutely necessary and seems more dispensable !
If you all still want to do that better in person, you should be already taken before mentally a lot. This shindig first rate is really only something for the whole hard-boiled and absolute esoteric hard-liners! I have received absolutely authentic and credible reports of entities to which the proceeds and rescue operations by lousy karma similar wing striking movements of the arms was broken, clients had to endure two hours coughing in incense and sage-filled practices common in quiet contemplation with the delegated or esoteric luminary celebrated this be moved close to the ridiculousness seizure-like eruptions. It was at this point not quite clear about the fact whether the person concerned has experienced a kind of cosmic orgasm or obvious but clearly there was a suspicion that they were smoking something in advance, what it definitely is not in any cigarette vending machines and possibly in the course of a law enforcement probably at least two Sundays, ääähem sorry, of course, dead Sunday the state to Would break out. In any case, you will be presented at present in person a detachment Karma learn the limits of your own tolerance! So then but rather stay in their own homes and choose the option "to go"!
The now offered Karma separations are no less than the previously offered indulgences of the Roman Catholic Church ahead: It does not matter if your is lousy karma from a past life or you have accumulated in the current - is your payment, slack € 150 - to 300 - yes you, your soul must be worth (Also a real bargain price Note this! Please: The hell could be much worse and more unpleasant to be "), received via PayPal to the account of the provider, you can be sure that they work for you hard and very exhausting, and your karma then, similar to the hot water cycle of your washing machine that just was purified in the background, sparkling clean, spot clean and crisp white. So you can be almost certain that you are not likely to end up in hell! Unless you sin again - well, does not matter that we see now not be so narrow, the Karma-replacement one can be repeated if necessary just for cash again.
Just as in the Middle Ages a sinful kin against appropriate payment from purgatory, either could redeem the hell, karma and detachment are sometimes often accepted on behalf of third parties. Let's take on purely fictitious, you met a really great man. He is clearly the right thing, but he still has not let go of his former partner thinks of her every day and considered again, if that was not full but still deserves a second chance. With the Karma detachment "light and to go" no problem! Just the whole place in order, you need providers according to the person not even ask for permission or information so as to easily pay for the karma is dissolved immediately and your new Prince Charming is guaranteed with all exclusive rights.
you probably already know it, a real revolution in the carnival of esoteric Absurdistan: Karma detachment or freedom from sin "light and to go" - Call to order, pay, done. Sinning without repentance! ! Eat without waxing "It all sounds somehow a little bit to the promise or"! Lifelong binge drinking guaranteed without liver damage "
One will be revealed at this point the same: Neither the gluttony, yet it works with the drunk without consequences and certainly not a myth after debt relief Karma! Incidentally, the thing with ex-girlfriend, you can forget it, even that does not work unfortunately! Basically, always and in all, the principle of cause and effect, resonance and balance: No effect without cause and no cause without effect!
final order now clarity to the nebulous darkness of a now well established on the market and to sell them as absolute revolution touted practice à la former indulgences:
1) There is only "the" Karma! Anything else you all will be offered in connection with the term "Karma", such as breach of trust Karma, karma sex, poverty karma, karma jealousy, loneliness and childlessness-Karma-Karma is really absolutely ludicrous nonsense and merely an imaginative creation of more than questionable providers. Interestingly, this created fantasy terms are precisely matched to the problems of seeking help in order to demonstrate this on their own expertise.
2) Karma is basically and exclusively by its own acts, deeds or thoughts and not subject to outside influences or intervention of third parties, that no one except you yourself can affect your karma - neither negative nor positive. Remember therefore: You have caused your karma, are therefore Also, even with all the consequences for it now!
3) arisings Karma can only be redeemed by you or be compensated, that no one other than yourself, you can take to offset your karma, replace or facilitate this, you must already be active and make your own contribution. Finally, you have not volunteered for the mortgage from your neighbor's newly built house, because that greets you always so friendly!
4) The summit of the ultimate shindig: You will never be able to hire someone to an existing karma, whether it was or purported to take this opportunity once completely open question of yourself or an impartial third party to replace or take. Do not go, not possible? In this case, this is true, unfortunately not! So should you ever be given such a pledge, please remember the person by the way of his own karma!
5) Be please never be fooled by "miracle reports' suffer from the consequences of apparently successfully implemented Karma separations and resolutions. The whole is covered by the term "auto-suggestion" or to put it more simply: Massive self-deception! Due to the fact that supposed to be a karma-replacement was performed successfully, change affected mostly even their own actions, decisions and thought patterns go unnoticed, thereby then arises as a result of a desired result. This change, however, causes only the own activity, but never a previous successful allegedly Karma detachment.
Have you in the past, even before "sell" the universal panacea for your on-or detachment own or a third party karma can accept and see you all please now than probably quite expensive, but also very instructive learning task quite on the principle
"realm of knowledge, poorer the budget ! "
I may calm down, at least so that your" old "Karma means the charges for any" do not have indulgences light & to go "in the form of a karma-detachment worsened again - improved it has, however, unfortunately, not exactly !
You currently have the queasy feeling that you are attending the dearly bought, but unfortunately completely results-and senseless Karma detachment with intent pulled vigorously on the table and you in this respect also the heat generated by feeling the occasion said the resulting friction than comforting warmth has? Right, please enjoy it extensively, because this will happen to you almost certainly a second time!
Note: If all that sounds too easy and really good, you should bring a little healthy skepticism and a little more suspicious! Please be a bit lenient with them are the grounds on security between ignorance, naivete, deference to authority over an alleged capacity, delusion, despair and hopelessness - or a wild mix of everything. Console yourself please so that you with absolute certainty no exception or are the only one who has this expensive, but unfortunately ineffective Budenzauber been fobbed. Would have on the business card stood on expensive glossy paper with intaglio writing, the noble brass sign beside the entrance door to a dignified retreat, or the highly professional website with high-energetic logo instead of the real name, practice "scoundrel" or "cheating", you would certainly be much earlier suspicious become. Sorry, but all sounded so simple, clear and obvious - too easy if you are completely honest with yourself!
What was unfortunately due to my research, never so fully clarified is the extent to which incumbents in the whole intent with regard to the total ineffectiveness and border value to offer this shindig celebrated or even convinced unshakable from those practices are. may not matter how the response in terms of this speculation looks also very impressed have I in any case, the presence, persuasion and eloquence with which the absolute necessity of an alleged Karma detachment offered help-seekers and is persuaded. Under no circumstances should you ignore this pressure exerted on the desperate and hopeful clients in the form "If you do not, then ...!" saying that this often created fear of a supposedly untouchable fate, love and garnished with the look-up" Well, then you probably can not help more! "regularly both the analytical capability, and the clear understanding, at least temporarily limited, interrupted or at least inhibits puts extreme.
Consider the fee paid to the vendor simply as charitable donations without which he may have been before an early death rescued by exhaustion and preserved - with a little luck with at least this altruistic gift actually to reduce your now in built up karma! ... now but please do not plague the provider, or worse do to the rear, this would worsen namely your karma again, because now you know: Karma detachment "light and to go" there is not, for your karma, you are also just shown!
becomes even more explicit throughout the following example: A karma can never by displacement, in this case, delegating the task delivered to a third party so that it dissolves the karma or be, but solely and only by being willing to perform a learning task and striking a balance with subsequent knowledge. Karma would be a replacement by an independent third party actually possible, as is only too happy to be done by various providers believe that it would be comparable with the fact that someone goes to school for a day and attended the lectures at the university, you But then presented the testimony on your behalf for the services rendered outstanding services is even though you have never seen a lecture hall on the inside.
Note: We did not, to what extent the provider of this almost borderline practices in this regard even a day Karma detachment, respectively resolution perform in their own right, or simmer the meantime, even in hell! For this reason you be forgiven this time with the belief in karma Resulting because we always reap what we sow!
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
practice "healing life energy"
"realm of knowledge, poorer the budget ! "
I may calm down, at least so that your" old "Karma means the charges for any" do not have indulgences light & to go "in the form of a karma-detachment worsened again - improved it has, however, unfortunately, not exactly !
You currently have the queasy feeling that you are attending the dearly bought, but unfortunately completely results-and senseless Karma detachment with intent pulled vigorously on the table and you in this respect also the heat generated by feeling the occasion said the resulting friction than comforting warmth has? Right, please enjoy it extensively, because this will happen to you almost certainly a second time!
Note: If all that sounds too easy and really good, you should bring a little healthy skepticism and a little more suspicious! Please be a bit lenient with them are the grounds on security between ignorance, naivete, deference to authority over an alleged capacity, delusion, despair and hopelessness - or a wild mix of everything. Console yourself please so that you with absolute certainty no exception or are the only one who has this expensive, but unfortunately ineffective Budenzauber been fobbed. Would have on the business card stood on expensive glossy paper with intaglio writing, the noble brass sign beside the entrance door to a dignified retreat, or the highly professional website with high-energetic logo instead of the real name, practice "scoundrel" or "cheating", you would certainly be much earlier suspicious become. Sorry, but all sounded so simple, clear and obvious - too easy if you are completely honest with yourself!
What was unfortunately due to my research, never so fully clarified is the extent to which incumbents in the whole intent with regard to the total ineffectiveness and border value to offer this shindig celebrated or even convinced unshakable from those practices are. may not matter how the response in terms of this speculation looks also very impressed have I in any case, the presence, persuasion and eloquence with which the absolute necessity of an alleged Karma detachment offered help-seekers and is persuaded. Under no circumstances should you ignore this pressure exerted on the desperate and hopeful clients in the form "If you do not, then ...!" saying that this often created fear of a supposedly untouchable fate, love and garnished with the look-up" Well, then you probably can not help more! "regularly both the analytical capability, and the clear understanding, at least temporarily limited, interrupted or at least inhibits puts extreme.
Consider the fee paid to the vendor simply as charitable donations without which he may have been before an early death rescued by exhaustion and preserved - with a little luck with at least this altruistic gift actually to reduce your now in built up karma! ... now but please do not plague the provider, or worse do to the rear, this would worsen namely your karma again, because now you know: Karma detachment "light and to go" there is not, for your karma, you are also just shown!
becomes even more explicit throughout the following example: A karma can never by displacement, in this case, delegating the task delivered to a third party so that it dissolves the karma or be, but solely and only by being willing to perform a learning task and striking a balance with subsequent knowledge. Karma would be a replacement by an independent third party actually possible, as is only too happy to be done by various providers believe that it would be comparable with the fact that someone goes to school for a day and attended the lectures at the university, you But then presented the testimony on your behalf for the services rendered outstanding services is even though you have never seen a lecture hall on the inside.
Note: We did not, to what extent the provider of this almost borderline practices in this regard even a day Karma detachment, respectively resolution perform in their own right, or simmer the meantime, even in hell! For this reason you be forgiven this time with the belief in karma Resulting because we always reap what we sow!
Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel
practice "healing life energy"
Source / Image: (© Stefan Bayer)
© - Copyright in respect of all text and images this site, use, or any part-
, requires the prior written consent of Mrs. Jutta A. Lotz - Hentschel.
, requires the prior written consent of Mrs. Jutta A. Lotz - Hentschel.
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