Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2010 Ridgeline Backup Camera


There are regularities in the form we would identify symmetry ...

IT IS the Greek word symmetros for regular or uniform.

We call a character symmetric if it possesses more than the same figure congruence that reflect the character on himself.

This congruence is called then "symmetries" of the figure.

Symmetry is when one can do something (flip, rotate, move), without anything happening: ice crystals can be rotated by 60 degrees without changing their appearance.

same is true for a square with a rotation by a quarter full circle.

And in a perfect sphere even any angle in it. We humans are similar

our mirror image, and in most churches can hardly distinguish North and South Tower.

Symmetries play an important role in modern physics, because with them the conservation laws are connected.

physicists are also very interested in the investigation of violations of symmetry and symmetry breaking.


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