Thursday, July 29, 2010

Make Belly Dance Gauntlets

" Did you really compare, how well your sleep is actually? "

If you are still waking up every morning to ask how well your mattress for your back is really, if your bed was actually made according to environmental considerations, used for the bed no precious tropical woods were, and whether you really are the best and healthiest sleeping position have - no problem, here you have a real possibility of comparison

! It is in this comical little creatures to an Australian possum baby. Definitely not a joke: possums actually sleep in this position! They complain, so please no more about any possible back pain, nightmares and located mattresses.

Because opossums can also be kept as pets is, for me personally, the logical question: Where, for God's sake, hang up the animals to sleep?

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

source image:

Where Is The Best Gay Public Toilet

"From the heart's desire a reality!"


"The most underrated power and might of our own thoughts! "

" My feelings reflect what I think innermost of myself and what I believe in my heart, I also radiate to the outside, what I radiate outward, I prefer it too, and I get the, what I believe in the innermost of myself and not what I really want. I am moving more towards of the target and reach the, with I am in my innermost on most mentally intense and busy grappling! "

a topic that many people moved - often interpreted, with even more valuable advice provided and supported - and yet many questions remain: How do I successfully meet me my very own heart's desire? How to do it really right and what I do here incorrectly? Do I need to refresh several times a day and affirm my desire or is it sufficient if I only once fleetingly think of? Stick to it or let go for good? What is the right and above all successful path from the heart's desire a reality?

not the almost obsessive embossed and obsessive brackets and retention of a heart's desire, daily innumerable and completely absurd affirmations, how much is often described in the relevant literature and recommended, suggests that this is actually implemented and fulfilled, but only the unique intensive visualization and then the final release (= rest; Balance and serenity found in the "be there and to make it happen!").

is basically to every heart's desire and the balance, so the counterweight in the form of including the consideration and most of all acceptance, that the desire is not fulfilled, perhaps because we do not fully stand behind our expressed wish, it is not the timing is appropriate, or be our own wishful thinking and the actual realizable possibilities too far apart and therefore unrealistic.

is often underestimated in this case the mental power, dynamism, energy and power of our own thoughts - what we in our Innermost thinking and of which we are convinced that we also attract on the outside, everything is very important and crucial in this case the shape of the articulation of what we really want - the definition of our heart's desire. To this end, one must know that formed the formulation and visualization of the desire on a purely emotional mental level and with the ratio, and thus has a purely top-heavy and rational, absolutely nothing in common - we want a heart's desire, as the name suggests it provides very clear , with heart and soul, never rational.

Now it is very important to note the following:

is completed a one-voiced heart's desire on the emotional heart and soul level with the idea or the words "(my request), but .....", such as:" (my request), but if I do not get this wish fulfilled , then ......", changes needed to comply strictly necessary and positive energy and force, were on the emotional soul side, finally formulated by a "but" (from the rational and contrary opposite segment) in the absolute negative . In order to achieve even a balanced compensation (compared positive to negative) toward neutrality, we need the nearly seven-fold on mental strength and energy - this is a superhuman mental effort the same and represents a nearly impossible task.

order to successfully formulate a wish, the heart's desire must not follow a negative statement or rational thinking, such as "(my request) and if I get this wish is not fulfilled, then this would mean ....", in reverse that, in consequence, turns the first positive emotional energy in the negative rational field and thus the heart's desire thus precludes. Even one prior consideration with regard to possibly arising from the fulfillment of the desire of possible Consequences or reactions of third parties (this fictitious resulting jealousy, envy, fear, dominance, manipulation) to take the intent and actual performance of the entire potential positive energy and power, considerations of cause and effect (Qui bono principle = what I have from the fulfillment?) due to the realization, or fulfillment of a desire to have in connection with the formulation lost absolutely nothing.

It is absolutely necessary to stand behind the heart's desire, once formulated, with complete conviction to hold on to him and defend him; considerations regarding reactions, consequences, and this adversity may have no room, as this would amount to a restriction or denial of what we do we really so much alike. It is therefore, in principle, just to avoid contravention of note:

- each and every letter of intent and / or any request is based on the emotional soul level;

- any consideration in connection to this Memorandum of Understanding with "but ... "and / or" if ... then ... "begins, moves on the level of reason and is contrary to the expressed heartfelt wish, or in relation to negative and picks it up accordingly.

But the acceptance that the desire is not fulfilled any, maintain positive energy and strength and contributes to the fact that this actually becomes a reality.

I always advise to the following:

Do you have a wish or want to formulate a letter of intent is basically the first step to consider - and as accurate, detailed and accurate as possible - like your heart's desire in reality should look like. As a next step, visualize a desire as intense as it should be implemented effectively and has created the magnificent and reassurance in this very intense feeling that they had this wish fulfilled already received and had arrived at the destination. This intense feeling of the heart's desire had been fulfilled completely, let go, because it reinforces the positive energies towards the effective implementation and realization.

into felt then as a counterbalance, as it feels would meet, that so-longed-for heart's desire never - allow even very intense here, the resulting feeling of sadness, lack and loss - and accept that you do not receive perhaps what you so much wishes. Absolutely should be avoided in any consideration of a possible direction Depending upon the fulfillment of desire is, "My life is over if I do not ... "Without exception, every negation, any limitation, any denial of the connection or direct context with the request formulated with active help to ensure that your wish will definitely not meet.

adopt the end of the desired heart's desire finally put in any more energy and go completely into the trust in terms of actual performance. The desire was once put intense and visualized, this alone is completely out to get him to have actually become reality.

If the heart's desire however, repeatedly reaffirms, in this context with recurrent affirmations expressed to the wish of almost clinging obsessively and incessantly in my mind busy, and once again brought consideration for the fictitious resulting consequences of any non-compliance, take chances that he actually met, so contradictory and paradoxical this may sound too drastic, and vehemently. As a consequence, in consequence, turns the first very positive energy - "find fulfillment in the serenity" - can be very negative toward obsession and obsession - to be "It to ". The first positive energy is thus not amplified but is weakening due to our own mental, but now extremely negative force and energy, extreme - a no longer a dominant process with a tremendous amount of momentum.

The result is not the actual performance of the heart's desire, but rather the result of dieting resulting deficiency, the resulting despair and the weakening of one's own confidence in the so-longed-for fulfillment. We hear, therefore, on immediately to our request and feel its performance and to trust that he actually realized is rather limited and thus pull the impending loss, respectively, a purely notional non-compliance, but less and less a possible fulfillment of our heart's desire into account.

The risk of self here in the-fulfilling prophecy, the self-fulfilling prophecy of slipping, this is an extremely high and completely unmanageable risk dar. This requires that we ourselves always and unceasingly to comment because of the lack of composure (the desire visualize it and then finally in reliance upon the fulfillment of it (go) to confirm) Allowing our heart's desire will never be realized and we do not get what we so ardently do, we confirm ourselves again and again the non-compliance with the result that our heart's desire will not be met then actually. The self-fulfilling prophecy receives so much momentum, power and energy that it is virtually irreversible, that is irreversible and we see ourselves inexorably confirmed that our heart's desire is not actually meet with very high probability.

Once again shortly summarized:

The following details should be avoided in any case consistently in the formulation of your heart's desire!

- The self-fulfilling prophecy, the self-fulfilling prophecy regarding
a possibly imminent, is purely fictional, non-fulfillment of the concerns expressed th wish;

- the rethinking of purely fictitious resulting therefrom negative conse-

zen third parties should be fulfilled the wish actually, after the principle Ur cause and effect;

- any consideration with regard to personal consequences, should be
not meet the heart's desire definitely;

- without exception, any rethinking of conditions to a meeting, or
non-fulfillment of the desire is coupled;

- no brackets, respectively recurring renew and reaffirm
of the heart's desire, no standing in this context incessant

- and the best for last : They remain essential for your once-
simulated heart's desire, you are consistently behind him and take him . Never change your original intent better, do not appropriate and correct for once not your desire.

The most important aspect to leave a wish actually come true, the absolute neutrality, the centering and focus only and exclusively at your request, without it, however mounted, conditions, considerations, consequences, expectations to combine and / or claims. The only thing important in this all-important moment, which may take up space and meaning, is your personal heart's desire. For this reason, and to avoid being distracted from the essential, you should basically in the formulation and visualization of your heart's desire to be alone - no distraction from the essential, no interference from outside, nothing you could wring from your request.

I advise generally on it, your heart's desire to discuss with other people and / or talk about it - it is your personal desire and you alone must decide whether to accept it and realize. Here you should give anyone a say, but go all alone in the ownership. Generally you should

formulate a wish not under time pressure and in haste, but very well thought out in peace, focused and concentrated. You can take you all the time in the world in order to first of all to think carefully about how you should look very own heart's desire exactly how you want to formulate it - you can get this, notes or paint but a picture that your heart's desire is already ready shows - for the actual formulation and visualization, for focusing and centering of energies, but you should Muse take time and, important here is also a pleasant atmosphere for you where you relax and feel great, especially suitable for your own personal heart's desire-in principle, the ceremonial evening hours, when the soul comes to rest.

Meets are now at last you so much awaited heart's desire, please remember never to say thank you - is the fulfillment of your heart's desire a great gift for you, take it please with caution, prudence and due humility and gratitude, and remember that nothing in life is to be understood!

"Do you expect absolutely nothing, but are You ready to get everything in gratitude, the chances immensely great to get all the things you want so desperately! "

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice" healing life energy "

source / image. http://www.pixelio, de (© Rike)

© - Copyright in respect of all text and images on this page, use, also preferably, requires the prior written consent of Mrs. Jutta A. Lotz - Hentschel.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My Heel Is Numb On The Bottom Of My Foot

A piece of heaven on earth .....

one exception, everybody's looking for:
A little piece of paradise on earth!

A dear friend of mine, Mrs. Daniela Peisger, owner of Authentic Ayurveda Devaya center in Baden Baden ( ), we currently have with their newly published book a little slice of heaven to earth.

I may quote Mrs. Peisger: "We will treat every guest like a god and so spoiled!" This wonderful idea which it passes in Devaya Authentic Ayurveda Centre to your guests give them their readers with her book "Devaya - the cookbook" in the form of wonderful delicious recipes and pictures that caresses the soul.

Peisger woman takes us with her book not only a piece of paradise, for me it is a little angel who has happily lost on our planet.

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

Husband Shaves Genitals

"I thank all ....." by Paulo Coelho

Wonderful and very wise and clever words of Paulo Coelho!

I think the time has come to forgive and to thank all those who confront us with ourselves and have it grow. Happy every one that can be claimed by: I understood and learned from it - Learned to stay authentic to myself and learned to stand my principles, learned my way to go unwaveringly, learned to pursue my goals, learned to laugh at myself and learned to never give up my dreams and visions.

I thank you and forgive all the people who met me in many years on my way - I have learned - they have helped to make me see myself. Thank you!

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

I thank all ............

I thank all those who laughed at my dreams. You have inspired my imagination.

I thank all who wanted to squeeze me into her schedule. They have taught me the value of freedom.

I thank all who have lied to me. They gave me the Power of truth shown.

I thank all those who have not believed in me. You have expected me to move mountains.

I thank all those who have copied me. You have aroused my courage.

I thank all who have left me, you have given me space to create.

I thank all those who have betrayed me and abused. You have to let me be vigilant.

I thank all those who have hurt me. They have taught me to grow in pain.

I thank all those who have disturbed my peace. You have made me strong to stand up for it.

I thank all who have me confused. Me have made my position clear.

In particular, I thank all those who love me as I am. You give me strength to live!

Thank you!

(Paulo Coelho)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Unregistered Hypercam Poptropica

Newsletter July / August 2010

is for all of us, the basic and fundamental question: bold, decisive and committed to strive forward or better yet remain at a normal fairway and hold on to recent? This question will definitely not seen since the beginning of the month of July 2010. Although the Hopi Indians until the year 2012 as the "time of great cleansing" mean, many people are already feeling have to be subjected to a basic cleaning process and exposed. Especially the year 2010 promises a "clean", a radical transformation on all levels of being - global, economic and of course personal. This means for every individual the collapse of old, antiquated and aged structures, while the chances are for a very positive and successful start as good as never before. Displayed and promoted is this so significant and important collective change through a rare combination of Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, this opposition is more than explosive and profound - it is like a global, collective, but also personal liberation.

Pluto represents a radical and very radical
transformation and a fundamental Wan-
del, it stands for the liberation of the unconscious forces
and energies within us, brings

Uranus us the total enough freedom to virtually re-
volutionary character, but also sudden and totally unexpected
explosive processes in all areas and

Saturn provides clear policy, methodology and concepts
as well as stable and permanent structures at all levels .

so tiring and critically the past few months were, so we were also confronted with our core, our deepest self, we should not give the false illusion that now begins a peaceful and harmonious time. Quite the contrary, we are due to the current quality of time and a change in orientation to market very subtly, to take a fundamental re-orientation and reorientation in the attack, finally and most importantly finally let go of past limitations and conventions and clearly to rethink our future goals.

A persistent adherence to survive compounds, mechanisms, relationships, or limiting behavior and Thought structures will therefore will no longer be possible. If we are not ready to let go and actively seek a radical change and to tackle, we are outside immediately confronted with the resulting consequences that force us again to act at last - the times in which we have a spontaneous and / or miracle cure could be hoped, finally and irrevocably come to an end, only their own activity, our own decision-making ability and clarity, combined with a somewhat unusual ease, we are here in the future ahead and get ahead. shows the way out of the recent chaos us only the will and the willingness to change fundamentally and transformation.

This global and personal cleaning, change and growth that has persisted since 2008, has given us repeated and sustained plunged into chaos and confusion, and repeatedly called for fundamental decisions made by us, is now due to a cardinal * T - square of Pluto, Uranus and Saturn, a high influence of the sun on 26 July 2010 its peak in the form of a spark reach; this influence is also at 03 August 2010 will be fueled by the fiery planet Mars and promoted. Mars will be this whole development and transformation process in addition a fiery and very fierce energy that sometimes unloading is also very explosive. On this day, previous tensions noticeable than usual, and also discharged according brachial. What did not survive longer in our lives and therefore has become meaningless, is broken, there is an absolute and radical new beginning enormous amount of space and energy. These serious and often very heated impact until mid-September 2010 to be significant, and remind us again and again because previous usual and now finally coming to an end and the long-awaited and anticipated new start now finally here.

Between 14 and 16 August 2010, we have then once the last chance until that time unsettled and not yet reclaimed just to inspect, examine and modify active. We get one last time to reflect on the opportunity, which is precisely what prevents us finally to be free and we have the opportunity this past blockades remove from our past and let go. Very important issues in this context are issues of faith, search for meaning, and previous beliefs - should we still question the last time the extent of what we believe with what we do in the future, compatible and brought into harmonious balance, and balance can be. This tense turbulence confront us again very closely and directly with our own vulnerability - in line emotional and subjective feelings and reactions here are the result. The advantage here is that we can once again feel exactly our "sore spots" and identify the reasons why we fall back again into the same patterns of behavior and thought patterns - just the ability to sense and touch these points gives us the opportunity in this to perform an active area of change.

The highly charged, explosive and heated power is increasingly making global noticeable in the form of natural disasters and discharged. There will be an increased to volcanic eruptions, hurricanes in the form of tornadoes, as well as tsunamis and earthquakes. A large Close to the sun and increased solar activity in the corona, as well as cause solar storms, that the climate is heating up on our very soil. We all feel this just recently in the form of extreme heat these solar activity - particularly the month of July proved to be hottest month since the beginning of weather records over a century ago. However, we should not interpret future dramatic natural disasters in the possible range of world destruction, but also see this as a radical cleansing and healing process.

In the period between 21 19th August 2010 and September 2010, the current very tense and explosive atmosphere and strong global make apparent. By the cardinal effect of the very contradictory planetary alignment to put through the first steps of a new social order. There can be massive conflicts, power struggles and military conflicts occur, but they are also pulling a beneficial and long-awaited cleansing has been satisfied. These power struggles, which concern above all the preservation of traditional and usual, can run very aggressive and very violent, it must be expected here with global eruptions at all levels.

First steps to major changes are now already clearly visible: Criticism is not, as yet only in the domestic Dining table with friends or discussed, but expressed very loudly, clearly and consistently, and worn on the outside - we start to reflect that there are over 6.9 billion other people in this world. We are finally beginning to be interested in other people, they perceive very intense, much too critically, for their fate bravely stand up to protest loudly and are very determined to commit to it. This important global development process will be with us for a long time and call us again and again, to call critical to look brave and serious changes not only to pursue and to comment, but in particular to enforce.

A small example of the recent past: The living in Iran Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was speaking of a Tehran court, which was sufficient in relation to the negotiations have not even begin to meet the minimum requirements and standards such as Sakineh not speak Farsi, it comes from Azerbaijan, and therefore It was not possible for her, the prosecution or the sentence to understand and follow the hearing. She was found not even an interpreter to translate the page, or indictment. In consequence of the process for alleged adultery, Sakineh was convicted despite completely otherwise testimonies of their children, according to the Sharia to death by stoning. Worldwide massive protests initiated by their children, have led to her this cruel and painful death spared, but it now threatens the execution by hanging. were within a few days (
) by means of a petition by human rights and environmental organization AVAAZ far collected over 450,000 signatures in order to expose this inhumane ruling by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Iranian leadership now to leave the country and finally stop the enforcement of executions under Sharia law for good. This is not only the world fought for the lives of Sakineh, at least fifteen other people waiting in Iran more than questionable due process and arbitrary sentences for their execution by stoning. All I can say only:

"Whoever saves one life saves the entire world! "

From this example we see that taking place here is a massive and, fortunately, no longer to be stopped a global shift in consciousness - people can finally see over their own and usually well-filled plate and reflect that they themselves are part of a larger global community.

ordered In ancient times once Gaius Julius Caesar to carry out his followers a slave census, he was by the Roman Senate strongly advise against on the grounds that have a count means that the slaves would realize as a result only then, how many they would actually be and how strong they are. Each individual can make a major contribution to our world a little bit more peaceful and better - screaming for an individual to that heard from its immediate area, scream a lot, one will hear them all over the city, are all up and protest loudly and courageously it will hear the whole world! We should never stop to say more and providing the strength and power of a great community to be aware!

Any resistance to future changes and changes the whole complicate unnecessarily and rob us of much strength, life and energy - the more we quickly accept and reflect, that a shift is no longer possible and we move with the flow of this new term quality and endorse by this wave can be, the more efficient and reasonable, we can use this unique opportunity to start anew and irrevocable and a radical change.

I advise strongly against it, the reasons for the current time only in the external quality, ie in the cosmos, a very rare but real planetary alignment, as now, such as the cardinal T-square on 26 July 2010 or in esoteric circles, but a lot discussed alleged "cosmic orgasm" because of a rare planetary alignment also in the form of a Grand Cross (in participation influence of Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury in conjunction with a partial lunar eclipse) of 26 June 2010, allegedly in direct connection with a crop circle, created on 22 May 2010 at a wind mill in the southern English Wilton (Wilton, England) and are a secret, coded message regarding a 26 June 2010 in the cosmos is to contain the emerging "healing room" and "new field of consciousness" to seek.

Due to numerous letters and requests from some very insecure People to me, I would like to run this at this point to this often very controversial issues that: The effects of this much vaunted and global hopefuls chosen one "cosmic orgasm" and one allegedly in the cosmos created "healing space" and "mind field" we are all waiting Unfortunately, to date, as well as to the alleged billions of years old knowledge in the form of a gigantic knowledge storage also galaxies found in consequence of a supernova as the interstellar magnetic cloud on our earth and our future are using the stored universal knowledge available to be!

style flowers of the esoteric Absurdistan vs. Research in astrophysics: To add insult to understand and comprehend better, I would like still like to draw on proven scientific research and knowledge of astrophysics. Within our galaxy, according to current calculations are about 2 - instead of 3 supernovae per century. The most recent supernova in our galaxy, or galaxy was in 1987 in the Large Magellanic Cloud observed in a range from 167,000 light years and registered. To this end, one must know that as a result of a supernova, so the explosion of a dying star, the universe due to the remnants of the collapsing mass of the star burn up either a black hole a quark star or a pulsar (neutron star), and a bright, hot emission nebula is formed, this expanding cloud of gas emits up to one thousand years in radio and X-ray, radioactive, due above all in the field of gamma radiation decay.

If our earth, what do we hope never to be hit by such an extremely hot gas cloud, the consequences would be for us completely unpredictable. It would come in close to perigee of a supernova in this case the released gamma rays convert the nitrogen in our atmosphere into nitrogen oxide, said it would destroy our ozone layer completely - the result would be the final end to our planet and therefore the people. The idea, which is now an alternative - whether interstellar gas cloud or a supernova - the planet and therefore we would even come to be, the choice between plague and cholera same. I would like in principle with the lighting, discussion and ensuing interpretation of these issues, more facts, including scientific knowledge, for obscure esoteric and misleading interpretations. Wishful thinking and completely irrational interpretations here are empirically proven by the facts and realities as far apart as the last recorded supernova from Earth.

As for the interstellar magnetic cloud described, this was actually on 23 December 2009 discovered by NASA on the Voyager space probe. However, affect the more than 6,000 degrees Celsius and a size of about 30 light years of extensive gas cloud, which is thus a little hotter than the radiation temperature of our sun (5,500 degrees), consisting of hydrogen and helium atoms, not the Earth, but the next round 10,000 years our solar assist. Our sun is by a surrounding magnetic field, the heliosphere, protected from the influence of this gas cloud, but it may due to the fact-related changes in solar activity and higher under the influence interstellar cloud to climatic changes on Earth come.

to count on to hope and trust that we are supposedly billions of years old knowledge stored galaxies also that we are with the touch of the emission nebula of a supernova, or a magnetic interstellar cloud given and man can then be fully available, I advise strongly against in any case - the realization that our world would exist in this case no longer stands today, however, through informed and serious scientific knowledge already established.

I find my way in principle only in facts, my own definite predictions already clear and identifiable trends, scientific knowledge, as well as the universally valid law of cause and effect, respectively, the hermetic laws, but less inspired to esoteric, like and pseudo-scientifically substantiated, statements on the principle of hope beyond the borders of the esoteric Absurdistan. We are subject, and on this there should be no discussion, a not inconsiderable influence of the cosmos and thus remarkable planetary configurations, but here to nourish the illusion and hope, the problems of this world and the people would be due to a rare planetary alignment, it was the Great Cross, the cardinal T-square or an interstellar cloud of gas release and heal all by itself, I think more than most deceptive misleading and absolutely, because as yet is still valid in the future:

"There is absolutely nothing happens unless we do it! "

The interpretation of the planets and be it ever so rarely, in conjunction with a result due to this cause alleged cosmic and universal healing space, a newly emerging field of consciousness, or one available to us, cosmic knowledge storage, in my view tends to be highly in the field of magic wish fulfillment, or the range Science Fiction and classify is a universal excuse for me not to have to take action immediately. With clear facts and realities of these interpretations, however, have absolutely nothing in common. Remarkably, we all are, without exception, against all statements and projections from esoteric hope and imaginary Heilsversprecher that appear exactly exactly the time when such a cosmic event takes place at in again to pass in quiet contemplation with the universe for unpredictable long-term , 27 June 2010 than the same people we were before that memorable date awake. Neither we were healed that night, illuminated and / or purified, nor have we experienced a "cosmic orgasm" (I want this not to deny that I unnoticed here may have missed something very vital and important !!!), have is the sun still in the east, we live still and the world also rotates in the same direction as before. I am always eager to learn: I expect on this issue like authentic reports of witnesses of this "cosmic orgasm"!

The cosmos will not make war on us, even if this dynamic sometimes feel like for us so, we are obliged and asked at last to reflect that we are only a War with ourselves, with our core lead, self-pity, a latent victimization and accusations in the form of self-mortification, an overestimation and / or the denial of alleged own weaknesses, which we already see mostly only even in the act, these are only counterproductive - productive and obstructive, as this would be followed only in the rage against himself, of resignation and stagnation. A war is not finally completed by hoisting the white flag, resigned and surrendered, though it is likely finished for good, by becoming active, break old structures and systems and new and stable from the recent chaos arise and grow. Let us therefore itself future by the hand and walk with courage and determination the way forward - to ourselves, into a new structure and order, into a new consciousness. The cosmic events cause a global initial spark - let go forward, move, reflect, provide clarity and clarification, which can be only one of each all to himself. We should urgently aware that we have to bear the consequences of our own decisions and actions, and only we ourselves can make a difference - the cosmos we call on this, but he is responsible neither for us nor did he bring us the hoped-for cure, the urgently needed shift in consciousness, or explains the War - the hoped-for peace, we will only find in ourselves, we finally find peace in our core, it will also be able to contribute to peace in the outer or how the hermetic laws teach us: as above so below!

Anyone who now still undecided asked whether he go or stay, should decide better for old and conservative, or new and progressive, which is said to him here its own decision can be taken off the medium term and with absolute certainty the new radical integrate and implement. Let's try to stick to old and strongly encrusted structures would, this represents a permanent declaration of war - a war with ourselves and therefore opposed to any re-orientation and change, but also against any personal development and much-needed growth. The responsibility which way we choose and the decision about whether to remain in chaos or use but the chance for a fundamental change in all areas rests solely with ourselves, to decide whether and how we want to change our future life and destiny We must now take alone - we are here on our own and have willingness to take responsibility for ourselves, finally, signal. However, we should realize that every decision, no matter in the direction we tend, not only temporarily, but our whole future life plan concerned and this significantly different from our own broad and consistent decision depends.

Likewise we must learn in the future, the individuality of each individual, and once the other decisions taken without any assessment, evaluation, respectively, to accept and to accept. Everyone is held and asked to go to his personal responsibility, no more excuses to search for his own inactivity and convenience and to decide quite independently, as he wants to make his future - any influence from the outside, or by others, would prove in this conversion and transformation as a rather annoying and a hindrance, or tarnish their own clarity. As part of this growing clarity, we will be able not to pursue our future goals, plans and projects only logical to implement these eventually and realize can, but we learn here behind our own opinion and conviction to stand, but it left open to the perspectives and arguments of others. A fundamental change will emerge so that the future is less talked about and discussed, but for much more, and acted more efficiently. We are the future measured not by our words, but only in our actions.

After the last months very successful and sustainable for the clarification and clarity could be used in the interior - are very happy ones may appreciate having used this opportunity adequately and efficiently - now is the clarity and clarification on the outside. Here too is the current transformation and change very accommodating - lies and deceit, intrigue, manipulation, domination and ambiguities can be detected and / or all by themselves come to light. We acknowledge the true scale of that face us now closed like the eyes and / or We have spoken like this nice and apologized, and the well-known and often used like loopholes will close for good, an evasion and concealment will no longer be possible. But the truth, transparency and clarity in the inner and outer are placed in us here to our desired goals crucial - adopt all previous excuses, excuses, reassurances, lies, power and dominance of wrangling and false excuses finally out of our lives; stock is permanent only have what promises clarity, transparency and truth, and brings us forward in our future.

The chances are also currently so cheap and promising than ever before to personal life dreams that have often been dismissed as illusory or unenforceable, new pick up and finally realize this and realize. You always wanted to write a book and see the cover for years in your mind's eye, have such a project but never have expected? They consider new artist needs the world and have therefore already some years ago bought a easel, oil paints, canvas and a large assortment of the finest brushes - all this is, unfortunately, for half an eternity dust in the far corner of your basement because you believe keep up with Dali, Miro and Picasso never be able to ? They are annoyed at all the cooking shows, because you believe to be better than anyone in the field of molecular gastronomy established Michelin-star chef and professional suspicious always wanted to open a small restaurant? You always wanted to complete a Lomi Lomi massage courses in Hawaii? My advice: Listen to your dream never - a dream, a vision is the first major and important step towards the implementation and realization! Go bold and full of self-confidence further, please never leave it only a dream: Do it - now!

"If you stop dreaming, listens to live "

There is only one advice I can give to the way in the new era and a new awareness and the one I want to put any urgency to his heart: Are we doing it, we go forward into a new future - there and then! Not tomorrow, not tomorrow, at some point, perhaps, or perhaps - we do it here and now! The time was never better than now to our own personal life dreams into reality and realize at last - we have absolutely nothing to lose, but we can win it all, we draw together for the stars and our dreams are finally beginning to to live! We should finally begin to believe in ourselves, our own potential to take note of us to finally return true and important and listen to the voice of our heart and soul to give ourselves the value and importance we really deserve - then all the others we have placed all of this, all of which we, together, every one of us, so long dream and have all of this almost forgotten and / or written off as an illusion.

Let's remember together: One of the most famous speeches in the world, held on Aug 28, 1963 by Martin Luther King in front of the Lincoln Memorial during the march of the civil rights movement to Washington, to the widely attended by over 250,000 people, also began with the words

"I have a dream - I have a dream"

Martin Luther King was "his dream" Unfortunately, due to his assassination on 04 . April 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee realize not everything, but others have their "dream" and have taken up to this day actively using to live on and on and it will be true to. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" we all remained even after such a long time in memory - that we need our own personal life's dream to take up again, we remember us together again in what we once made solid, but never realized - "I have a dream" - to live and we finally begin our own personal dream of life, our life!

Although we currently almost daily in front of a large global and personal challenge, we are confronted with fundamental step, expansive and very future-and trend-setting decisions, I hope for all, without exception, each one individual, the courage the wisdom and determination, to opt for the personal best and happiest way in the future and him to go courageously, consistently and decisively. I sincerely hope that everyone is responsible with the confession "I have a dream" his unique take chances, and courageous living his personal dream of life!


Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

* = Explanation: When a T-square is astrologically an aspect of character, in which two planets (Uranus and Saturn) is exactly opposite in opposition and another planet (Pluto) with an angle of 90 degrees (square), that is an exact distance to the other two planets.

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