Saturday, September 11, 2010

Green Green 8 Uncensored

researched Critical!

Political asylum in Germany for Austrians to emigrate!

Since, as already reported experiencing Austria currently an election of a very special taste, and verbal mud-slinging, degrade themselves have begun to isolated groups and thus, unfortunately, the reputation of Austria, once in the vicinity of a small and extremely stubborn tribe of mental low-flying aircraft beyond the Alps!

tolerance and coexistence can be seen not by the store and holding the past, but the Vision for the future and the willingness to go forward together! That is especially the Freedom Party has not exactly proven to be a tolerant, cosmopolitan vision blessed party likely to have been well known and eagerly discussed not only within Austria and with plenty of momentum.

but now that the fact that the reigning Pope, a German, or for the Austrians better "a Piefke" is to Call the church exit out, shows clearly where this is currently the spiritual horizons - clearly in the bottom third!

The true greatness of man can be seen, however, the willingness and the will to forgive. I would like to lead by example and by no means the irreverence completely subordinate and hopefully will continue to take an insignificant fringe groups on this occasion and create a benchmark for me personally very friendly, open and friendly country and its inhabitants.

I encourage therefore, willing to migrate Austrians in Germany with pleasure and with open arms, whether to grant these political and intellectual development within a spiritual enclave in Europe so as now, political asylum.

No question about it, we should all be without exception, agree also with us is now so quite thoroughly in the pants, we are by no means the navel of the world and the internal political problems that are not disputed, are often with us and compensated only too happy to discuss foreign policy activities with much fanfare, so not quite as surrender to the sense of failure in his own house, But as bad as our reputation, we are again not now!

Jutta Ansani Lotz-Hentschel

practice "healing life energy"

Source / Image: (© Stefan Bayer)


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